

2019-12-2   On World AIDS Day, The First Lady and I express our support for those living with HIV/AIDS and mourn the lives lost. We reaffirm our commitment to end the HIV/AIDS epidemic in America, community by community where we will eradicate AIDS in 10 years, program already started. American leadership has proven that together we can save lives.



“Schiff’s impeachment hearings wasting time when Congress must do real work”


“Trump did nothing impeachable, day-by-day review of all impeachment hearing testimony shows” @GreggJarrett

以下はGregg Jarretの見解:毎日の査問結果を見てもトランプ大統領は弾劾に値することはしていない。


“Sen. Tim Scott Says Trump 'Innocent,' 'No Way' Senate Convicts”

共和党Tim Scott上院議員の発言:トランプ大統領は無実である。上院は確信している。

"The men and women of our military are totally loyal to our country. And every day I am President, America will always be totally loyal to you." — President @realDonaldTrump


Just 8 work days left on Congress' calendar this year. Instead of attacking @realDonaldTrump, Pelosi should work across the aisle for once and vote on #USMCA. The American people want it passed!


An incredible experience!


One year ago today, President @realDonaldTrump signed the #USMCA with Canada and Mexico. It now sits on Nancy Pelosi's desk collecting dust! Why won't 

@SpeakerPelosi pass the USMCA and help America's workers? #USMCANow


One year ago today, President @realDonaldTrump signed the #USMCA. While this Administration works FOR the American People, Speaker Pelosi and the Democrats in Congress work AGAINST jobs for the American People. Our country needs the #USMCAnow! https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1068516326010830849


President @realDonaldTrump’s deregulatory agenda unleashed American ingenuity and we are on path to becoming not just energy independent but energy dominant! Under this President, America is BACK!


. @realDonaldTrump won't get the nomination, Trump won't win, Stock Market will tank, Russia Collusion...These are the stories PUSHED hard by The Media that NEVER HAPPENED. @kilmeade and #DeroyMurdock are here to discuss tonight. #FoxNews 8PM ET


Nancy Pelosi won’t put it up for a vote. Has delayed it for 6 months. See you in #2020!


I will be representing our Country in London at NATO, while the Democrats are holding the most ridiculous Impeachment hearings in history. Read the Transcripts, NOTHING was done or said wrong! The Radical Left is undercutting our Country. Hearings scheduled on same dates as NATO!


Robert Johnson knows business & politics. He also understands lowest African American Unemployment in U.S. history!

Robert Johnsonは経済と政治を知っている。アメリカ史上アフリカ系アメリカ人の失業率が最低という意味をよく理解している。

JUST IN: Top Judiciary Republican calls on committee to expand list of impeachment witnesses ahead of next week's hearing http://hill.cm/R4BGvKq


And the Do Nothing Democrats want to impeach President Trump?

Poll: Majority of Republicans say Trump is a better president than Lincoln http://hill.cm/IPxeu0U


2019-12-1   Thank you to @BuckMcNeely1 and Oliver North for the nice words and thoughts in an excellent interview. Best wishes!



Just returned to the United States after spending a GREAT Thanksgiving with our Courageous American Warriors in Afghanistan!


.@DiamondandSilk talk about their experience at the Black Voices For Trump event along with the Itch of the week that needed a good scratching, Civil Rights Attorney Leo Terrell...... #KAG #BVFT #MAGA


Diamond Silkをリツイート:



Thank you for your sacrifice and service!


Julio Rosasを引用:President Trump is speaking with U.S. troops in Afghanistan in a surprise visit for Thanksgiving: "There’s nowhere I’d rather celebrate this Thanksgiving than right here with the toughest, strongest, best and bravest warriors on the face of the Earth."(この地球上で最も過酷な戦場にいる兵士諸君と感謝祭を祝う。)

"THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim Thursday, November 28, 2019, as a National Day of Thanksgiving."


Congress broke for Thanksgiving late last week. Thanks to the far left’s impeachment stunt, the House has been effectively shut down for weeks. That isn’t stopping President @realDonaldTrump from working hard for the American people! West Wing Reads: http://45.wh.gov/qPpLTE



95% Approval Rating in the Republican Party. Thank you!


New Stock Market Record today, AGAIN. Congratulations USA!


2019-11-28   People now realize it is a Democrat Hoax!


以下はDaily Callerからの引用:After the first two weeks of public impeachment hearings, 62 percent of surveyed independents claimed the issue is “more important to politicians than it is to me” while 61 percent answered the same way when asked about the media. Conversely, only 22 percent and 23 percent answered the respective questions in the negative. (RELATED: The Tide Is Turning Against Democrats On Impeachment)(2週間の弾劾公聴会が終わった時点で、無党派層の62%が「政治家には問題だろうが自分には関係ない」としている。同様に61%が「メディアには問題だろうが自分には関係ない」としている。「政治家にとっても自分にとっても重要だとする者の比率は22%」、「メディアにとっても自分にとっても重要だとする者の比率は23%」に過ぎない。弾劾公聴会の潮目は民主党に逆風となりつつある。)






“OMB Official: Ukraine Aid Held Up Because Other Countries Weren't Giving”


LIVE: President @realDonaldTrump Pardons the National Thanksgiving Turkey


2019-11-27   The D.C. Wolves and Fake News Media are reading far too much into people being forced by Courts to testify before Congress. I am fighting for future Presidents and the Office of the President. Other than that, I would actually like people to testify. 


Don McGahn’s respected lawyer has already stated that I did nothing wrong. John Bolton is a patriot and may know that I held back the money from Ukraine because it is considered a corrupt country, & I wanted to know why nearby European countries weren’t putting up money also.

ホワイトハウススタッフを務めてくれたDon McGahnの弁護士は大統領は法に触れるようなことはしていないと言っている。ボルトン前補佐官は国のために行動している人物で、私がウクライナ援助を差し止めたのは汚職が起こり得る国だと考えたことと欧州諸国が同国への援助を差し止めていた理由を知ろうとしていた事実を承知している。

 Likewise, I would love to have Mike Pompeo, Rick Perry, Mick Mulvaney and many others testify about the phony Impeachment Hoax. It is a Democrat Scam that is going nowhere but, future Presidents should in no way be compromised. What has happened to me should never happen to another President!

Mike Pompeo国務長官、Rick Perryエネルギー省長官、Mick Mulvaney行政管理局長他多くの人たちが証人に予定されているがご苦労なことだと思っている。結論の出ない証人喚問である。私に対して行われていることが将来の大統領に対して行われてはならない。



When the Military rips down an old & badly broken Border Wall in an important location, & replaces it with a brand new 30 ft. high Steel & Concrete Wall, Nancy Pelosi says we are not building a Wall. Wrong, and it is going up fast. Brandon Judd just gave us great marks! @FoxNews

メキシコ国境の古い境界を撤去した後に建設した鋼鉄とコンクリート製の30フィートの境界をペローシは壁ではないと言っているがFOXニュースのBrandon Juddは立派な壁だと言ってくれている。

I will always protect our great warfighters. I’ve got your backs!


Great job Heather




“Poll shows Dems losing interest in Impeachment inquiry all across the board. These Polls are actually devastating to the Democrats. But the writing was on the wall. He’s done so many great things. He’s devastated ISIS & killed AlBaghdadi, building Wall.” Jason Meister @FoxNews

以下はFOXニュースのJason Meisterの見解:「弾劾査問への関心は薄れ、民主党に逆効果となっている。しかし、大統領はISIS殲滅、その首領の殺害、壁のあ建設など次々と実績を上げていると大書されている」



President Trump signed the Women’s Suffrage Centennial Commemorative Coin Act!


President @realDonaldTrumpjust signed the Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture (PACT) Act into law—which makes it a Federal crime to engage in animal crushing.




Congratulations to all of the @NCAANational Champions! 



2019-11-26    Another new Stock Market Record. Enjoy!


“The Democrats are getting hit and slammed on Impeachment. It is getting less and less popular by the day.” @kilmeade@foxandfriends


Support for Impeachment is dropping like a rock, down into the 20’s in some Polls. Dems should now get down to work and finally approve USMCA, and much more!


“President Trump is facing a process which is unprecedented for its unfairness.” Sam Dewey

以下はSam Deweyの見解:「大統領はこの上なく不公正な政治プロセスの仕打ちを受けている」

Agnes, your great boy Ronald is looking down, very proud of you!



I was not pleased with the way that Navy Seal Eddie Gallagher’s trial was handled by the Navy. He was treated very badly but, despite this, was completely exonerated on all major charges. I then restored Eddie’s rank. Likewise, large cost overruns from past administration’s contracting procedures were not addressed to my satisfaction. Therefore, Secretary of the Navy Richard Spencer’s services have been terminated by Secretary of Defense Mark Esper. I thank Richard for his service & commitment. Eddie will retire peacefully with all of the honors that he has earned, including his Trident Pin. Admiral and now Ambassador to Norway Ken Braithwaite will be nominated by me to be the new Secretary of the Navy. A man of great achievement and success, I know Ken will do an outstanding job!

前政権から引き継がれた海軍のEddie Gallagher事件の取り扱いには了承できない。国防長官は海軍長官の職務を停止させた。駐ノールウェー大使を海軍長官の後任に起用する。

Democrats going back to their Districts for Thanksgiving are getting absolutely hammered by their constituents over the phony Impeachment Scam. Republicans will have a great #2020 Election!


“The whole Russia thing was a Hoax, and the Ukraine thing is a Hoax, and the Democrats are a Joke. This is a disaster for them!” @DevinNunes@FoxNewsThe Do Nothing Democrats are hurting our Country, and they don’t care!

以下はDevin Nunesの見解:「ロシア疑惑はでっち上げだった。ウクライナ疑惑はでっち上げである。民主党は笑いものになった。民主党は災難に陥っている」 何もしない民主党はこの国を傷つけ、気に掛けてもいない。

The Impeachment Scam is driving Republican Poll Numbers UP, UP, UP! Thank you Shifty.



This is a great and well reseached book on Justice K. The Ruth Marcus book is a badly written & reseached disaster. So many incorrect facts. Fake News, just like the @washingtonpost!

Mollie Hemingwayのカバナー最高裁判事に関する新著は好著である。Ruth Marcusの書籍は偽ニュースレベルである。


Witch Hunt!



Michael Bloomberg’s accomplishments: Banning big gulp sodas Being the worst NYC mayor after Bill de Blasio Trashing the Constitution by going after our 2A rights The only real winners are the advertisers because his campaign is dead on arrival!

Andrew Pollackをリツイート:民主党から大統領選挙に出るMichael Bloombergのやったこと:①大紙コップのソーダ―の販売禁止、②Bill de Blasioニューヨーク市長以来の最悪のニューヨーク市長、③憲法を修正2条の権利をないがしろにした男、④出馬の恩恵を受けるのは広告業者のみ、キャンペーンは作動しないのだから。


Oh dear. Hunter Biden-linked company received $130M in special federal loans while Joe Biden was vice president



But I did nothing wrong. Read the Transcripts (2)!


100% Correct!

全くその通りである。John Boltonを引用:Let's get back to discussing critical national-security issues confronting America. The threats are grave and growing. The presidency and control of the House and the Senate will all be decided in less than one year. It's time to speak up again! #JohnBolton(アメリカが直面している緊急安全保障問題の議論が必要である。重大な脅威が拡大している。向こう1年以内に大統領の権限と上下両院議会の在り方が再検討されねばならない。問題提起の時である)

Agnes, your great boy Ronald is looking down, very proud of you!



Exclusive: Elise Stefanik Reflects on Her Two-Week Whirlwind



2019-11-25   The Unspoken Truth: What Impeachment Exposed About Trump and 2020


This is the real story behind the Do Nothing Democrats!



Too bad we didn’t have the G-7 here. I offered to pick up the entire cost, would have saved at least $35,000,000 for the USA. Best location. Very stupid people thought I would gain. Wrong! Looking at Camp David. Will announce soon.


Polls have now turned very strongly against Impeachment, especially in swing states. 75% to 25%. Thank you!


Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, AOC and the rest of the Democrats are not getting important legislation done, hence, the Do Nothing Democrats. USMCA, National Defense Authorization Act, Gun Safety, Prescription Drug Prices, & Infrastructure are dead in the water because of the Dems!


Navy Seal Eddie Gallagher will be on @foxandfriends this morning at 7:30 A.M. Have no fear, all will end well for everyone!

Eddie Gallagher海兵隊員がFOXニュースに出る。悪夢は終わりを告げる。

Pushed hard to have Apple build in USA!




“The support for Impeachment is not there. I think the Democrats will have to come up with a new game plan.” @jasoninthehouse @FoxNews

95% Approval Rate in the Republican Party, a record! Thank you!


Thank you Kevin for the nice words!


NEW YORK POST EDITORIAL. “Worse Than Pointless. All those hours of televised testimony plainly failed on their announced goal: to change American’s minds. Part of the problem is that Democrats already leaked the best evidence they had. More important, NOT ONE WITNESS. ANY DIRECT EVIDENCE THAT PRESIDENT TRUMP DID ANYTHING IMPEACHABLE.


No one heard him order a quid pro quo. No one offered a convincing reason why Trump’s interest in having Ukraine probe potential cortuption warrants Impeachment. “I want no Quid Pro Quo” Ambassador Sondland said Trump told him. None of this will move the needle for anyone. And now Dems in Swing Districts head home for Thanksgiving to hear from voters. Pelosi & Co. are putting on a show to appease the Democratic base instead of doing the work ALL Americans need done.”


Daniel Cameron, who just won the A.G. race in the Great Commonwealth of Kentucky, is a young and very talented political star. You will be hearing much from Cameron in the years to come!

ケンタッキー州の司法長官選挙に勝利したDaniel Cameron候補は若くして有能な政治家の素質を持っている。今後、多くの機会にCameron候補の見解に接することになろう!

“The Democrats dirty tricks have started this whole thing. The Whistleblower, the guy who took his case to Schiff’s staff first, is what really blows the lid off this entire saga. He worked for Biden on Ukraine policy when Biden was VP. He worked for deep state henchman John Brennan, too. And the Whistleblower also worked for Susan Rice. It’s an understatement to say that this is a Witch Hunt.” @IngrahamAngle They spied on my campaign!

以下はIngraham Angleの見解:「ウクライナ疑惑は民主党の悪質な目くらまし戦術から生まれた。シフのスタッフと連絡を取っていた内部通報者はバイデン副大統領のウクライナ政策立案のスタッフで、政権内反政府の拠点のJohn Brennanのスタッフでもあった。オバマ政権のSusan Rice補佐官のスタッフでもあった。ウクライナ疑惑が魔女狩りであることをほのめかす構図である」 私の選挙陣営をスパイしていた者どもである。

Joe Concha, The Hill: “In Emerson College Poll, Impeachment among independents, 49% Oppose, 34% Support. You see why Pelosi is reluctant to go in with this. Dems have to go home and explain why they haven’t done something on Opioid crisis, drug prices, USMCA, the Border, etc.

以下はHILL誌のJoe Conchaの発言:「エマソン大学の調査では無党派層の49%が弾劾に反対、34%が賛成している。ペローシ議長が弾劾に消極的な理由がここにある。民主党議員は選挙区で麻薬対策、薬価引き下げ、3ヵ国貿易協定批准、国境問題その他に取り組まない理由を説明せざるを得ないからである。

2019-11-24   Adam Schiff will be compelled to testify should the Democrats decide, despite the fact that my presidential conversations were totally appropriate (perfect), to go forward with the Impeachment Hoax. Polls have now turned very strongly against Impeachment!


“The support for Impeachment is not there. I think the Democrats will have to come up with a new game plan.” @jasoninthehouse @FoxNews



.@SecAzar and I will soon release a plan to let Florida and other States import prescription drugs that are MUCH CHEAPER than what we have now! Hard-working Americans don’t deserve to pay such high prices for the drugs they need. We are fighting DAILY to make sure this HAPPENS. While we had the first prescription drug price decrease in 50 years, Americans still pay far too much for drugs – other countries pay far less – that is WRONG! We will soon be putting more options on the table.


Pelosi and her Do Nothing Democrats drug pricing bill doesn’t do the trick. FEWER cures! FEWER treatments! Time for the Democrats to get serious about bipartisan solutions to lowering prescription drug prices for families. 


House Republicans are showing real LEADERSHIP and prepared to enact bipartisan solutions for drug prices. Do Nothing Democrats are playing partisan politics with YOUR drug prices! We are READY to work together if they actually want to get something done!


2019-11-23    Thank you to @senatemajldrMitch McConnell and @GOPLeader Kevin McCarthy for their Great Leadership! There has never been so much unity and spirit in the Republican Party, as there is right now!





I will be interviewed on @foxandfriends this morning at 8:00 A.M. I know that there’s not much to talk about, but we will try to keep the conversation going. Enjoy! @SteveDoocy @ainsleyearhardt @kilmeade


“Former FBI Employee Accused of Altering FISA Documents.” Hello, here we go! @foxandfriends



Thank you @EliseStefanik and @SteveScalise, GREAT JOB!

Elise Stefanik議員とSteve Scalise議員に感謝。


Mark Levinが訴追ヒステリーについて『シフ議員に対して、君は民主党の山本五十六だ。山本司令長官は真珠湾攻撃を指揮し、敗残した。共和党とトランプ大統領に投票した人たちを甘く見てはいけない』と揶揄している。



Sean Hannityの発言:「シフの見え透いた嘘」


Iran has become so unstable that the regime has shut down their entire Internet System so that the Great Iranian people cannot talk about the tremendous violence taking place within the country. They want ZERO transparency, thinking the world will not find out the death and tragedy that the Iranian Regime is causing!


2019-11-22   Ken Starr, Former Independent Counsel: “Does this reach the level of treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors? My assessment of the evidence so far, NO WHERE CLOSE. The evidence is conflicting & ambiguous. Ambassador Sondland’s testimony stated that President Trump said the Ukraine President should just do the right thing (No Quid Pro Quo). You shouldn’t charge, but you cannot convict, a sitting president on the basis of conflicting and ambiguous evidence, and destabilize the American Government.” Thank you Ken!

以下のKen Starrの発言に感謝:「ウクライナ問題に関する証言は大統領訴追の要件すなわち国家反逆、贈収賄その他の重罪と品行不良に値するのか。私の見るところ証言内容はいずれも該当しない。・・・アメリカ政府機構を不安定に陥れてはならない。

I have been watching people making phone calls my entire life. My hearing is, and has been, great. Never have I been watching a person making a call, which was not on speakerphone, and been able to hear or understand a conversation. I’ve even tried, but to no avail. Try it live!


Read the two Transcripts of Ukrainian calls!


The Republican Party, and me, had a GREAT day yesterday with respect to the phony Impeachment Hoax, & yet, when I got home to the White House & checked out the news coverage on much of television, you would have no idea they were reporting on the same event. FAKE & CORRUPT NEWS!


The Navy will NOT be taking away Warfighter and Navy Seal Eddie Gallagher’s Trident Pin. This case was handled very badly from the beginning. Get back to business!


“The new House Resolution gives Adam Schiff (the most dishonest man in politics) the power unilaterally to release edited transcripts. Rule 10 gives Chairman Schiff absolutely no jurisdiction. Subpoenas issued as part of Dems’ Impeachment inquiry are illegal.” Sam Dewey @FoxNews ”Nothing gives Schiff jurisdiction over Impeachment.”

以下はSam Deweyの発言:大統領罷免に関する証人喚問は違法である。

Corrupt politician Adam Schiff’s lies are growing by the day. Keep fighting tough, Republicans, you are dealing with human scum who have taken Due Process and all of the Republican Party’s rights away from us during the most unfair hearings in American History. But we are winning big, and they will soon be on our turf.


I never in my wildest dreams thought my name would in any way be associated with the ugly word, Impeachment! The calls (Transcripts) were PERFECT, there was NOTHING said that was wrong. No pressure on Ukraine. Great corruption & dishonesty by Schiff on the other side!


“Freed Taliban hostages arrive in Germany.” @foxandfriends @FoxNews @OANNWe got them back!


Bob Mueller, after spending two years and 45 million dollars, went over all of my financials, & my taxes, and found nothing. Now the Witch Hunt continues with local New York Democrat prosecutors going over every financial deal I have ever done. This has never happened to a President before. What they are doing is not legal. But I’m clean, and when I release my financial statement (my decision) sometime prior to Election, it will only show one thing - that I am much richer than people even thought - And that is a good thing. Jobs, Jobs, Jobs!


During my visit yesterday to Austin, Texas, for the startup of the new Mac Pro, & the discussion of a new one $billion campus, also in Texas, I asked Tim Cook to see if he could get Apple involved in building 5G in the U.S. They have it all - Money, Technology, Vision & Cook!l 

昨日、テキサス州Austinのマッキントッシュの新工場開設記念式典の際にTim Cook CEOに10億ドルを投じて建設される新施設について質問した。5G通信網構築するということだった。資金と技術とビジョンとCOOK CEOが揃っている!!

Why do @ShannonBream & @FoxNews waste airtime on Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell, who recently left the Presidential Primaries having attained a grand number of ZERO in the polls. I don’t even know how that is possible. Fox should stay with the people that got them there, not losers! 


Poll: Trump leads top 2020 Democrats in Wisconsin https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/471335-poll-trump-leads-top-democratic-opponents-in-wisconsin….


Impeachment Witch Hunt is now OVER! Ambassador Sondland asks U.S. President (me): “What do you want from Ukraine? I keep hearing all these different ideas & theories. What do you want? It was a very abrupt conversation. He was not in a good mood. He (the President) just said,”...


”I WANT NOTHING! I WANT NOTHING! I WANT NO QUID PRO QUO! TELL PRESIDENT ZELENSKY TO DO THE RIGHT THING!” Later, Ambassador Sondland said that I told him, “Good, go tell the truth!” This Witch Hunt must end NOW. So bad for our Country! 


“All four of Gordon Sondland’s lawyers are Democrat Donors.” @TuckerCarlson Despite this, big win today for Republicans!


Watch @TuckerCarlson, @seanhannity, @IngrahamAngle. Big News! @FoxNews・

If this were a prizefight, they’d stop it!


Today I opened a major Apple Manufacturing plant in Texas that will bring high paying jobs back to America. Today Nancy Pelosi closed Congress because she doesn’t care about American Workers!


With every question that @RepStefanik asks, Democrats' sham impeachment gets weaker and weaker. Q: "You testified, 'President Trump never told me directly that the aid was conditioned on the investigations?'" Ambassador Sondland: "That's correct." 


Wow. @RepMikeTurner: "Mr. Sondland, let's be clear: no one on this planet—not Donald Trump, Rudy Guiliani, Mick Mulvaney, Mike Pompeo—no one told you aid was tied to political investigations, is that correct." Gordon Sondland: "That's correct." Game over.

Mark Meadowsをリツイート:大統領以下政府関係者は援助がバイデン調査を条件としているとは誰も言っていないとのターナー議員の質問に対して、ソンランド大使はその通りと発言。これで1件落着。


President Trump: “I want NOTHING. I want no quid pro quo. I want Zelensky to do what he ran on.”


.@Jim_Jordan calls it like it is: The Ukrainians got a call from the President. The Ukrainians got a meeting with the President. The Ukrainians got security assistance from the President. What did the President get in return? Nothing. No quid pro quo.



Q: No one else on this planet told you that Donald Trump was tying aid to these investigations, is that correct? A: Yes.



Impeachment Witch Hunt is now OVER! Ambassador Sondland asks U.S. President (me): “What do you want from Ukraine? I keep hearing all these different ideas & theories. What do you want? It was a very abrupt conversation. He was not in a good mood. He (the President) just said,” ”I WANT NOTHING! I WANT NOTHING! I WANT NO QUID PRO QUO! TELL PRESIDENT ZELENSKY TO DO THE RIGHT THING!” Later, Ambassador Sondland said that I told him, “Good, go tell the truth!” This Witch Hunt must end NOW. So bad for our Country!


President @realDonaldTrump delivers a statement on the sham impeachment process:


We join families of Kevin King & Tim Weeks in celebrating their release from Taliban captivity. Thanks to President Ghani for his courageous support. Let’s hope this leads to more good things on the peace front like a ceasefire that will help end this long war. Proud of my team!

タリバンに拘束されていたKevin King兵士とTim Weeks兵士が釈放された。アフガニスタンGhani大統領に感謝。これが切っ掛けになって停戦さらに終戦につながることを希望する。関係者を誇りに思う!

Sondland agrees the president never told him “any preconditions for anything” https://youtu.be/mRArFD-rhYM


Sondland testifies he asked @realDonaldTrump, "What do you want [from Ukraine]?" Trump reportedly responded: "I want nothing, I want nothing, I want no quid pro quo, just tell Zelensky to do the right thing."


Case closed ⇨ Ambassador Sondland just testified under oath that he NEVER heard the president say there were conditions on aid to Ukraine. Democrats' smear campaign is falling apart.


BREAKING → Ambassador Sondland: “I don’t recall President Trump ever talking to me about any security assistance. Ever.” End this sham.


What this "bombshell" hearing is amounting to: - Another witness who never heard anything from the President - Reached a nefarious conclusion on his own - Is contradicted by witnesses who actually DID get directives from the President

Mark Ⅿをリツイート:

2019-11-21   Q: Did @realDonaldTrump ever tell you personally about any pre-conditions for anything? Sondland: No. Q: Any pre-conditions for the aid to be released? Sondland: No. Q: Any pre-conditions for a White House meeting? Sondland: Personally, No.

Steve S をリツイート:

Nancy Pelosi will go down as the least productive Speaker of the House in history. She is dominated by AOC Plus 3 and the Radical Left. Mexico and Canada, after waiting for 6 months to be approved, are ready to flee - and who can blame them? Too bad!


“White House Confidence Grows As Hearings Wear On.” @WashTimes This is just an attempted takedown of the Republican Party by the Do Nothing Democrats. It will never work. #2020


The three year Hoax continues!


True. Great job @RepMikeTurner!


Rep. @EliseStefanik: "No Quid Pro Quo?" Morrison: "Correct." "No Bribery?" "Correct." "No Extortion?" "Correct." Stefanik digs in against points House Democrats have been trying to make against @realDonaldTrump in impeachment hearings. 

Washington Examinerをリツイート:Elise Stefanik議員の質問に対して「その通り」の連発。

Thank you Tennessee!


Congressman Van Drew (D-NJ): We’ve spent millions of Dollars, in my opinion, tons of money, tons of time, tons of hurt, fracturing the Nation apart. I haven’t seen this to be a good thing.”


.@RepRatcliffe shatters the myths created by the "whistleblower" - no violation of law or executive order - no mention of @POTUS's 2020 bid - no pressure or demand from @realDonaldTrump With myths like these, is it any wonder why Schiff has the "whistleblower" in hiding?

Andy Bをリツイート:

Q: In no way shape or form... did you receive any indication whatsoever that resembled a quid pro quo. Is that correct?” Ambassador Volker: “That’s correct.”

Jim J をリツイート:

WATCH —> Amb. Volker just took apart Democrats’ ENTIRE case. @RepMikeTurner : Did he ever say to you that he was not going to allow aid with the US to go to Ukraine unless there were investigations into Burisma, the Bidens or the 2016 election? VOLKER: No he did not.

Kevin Mをリツイート:


Brad Pをリツイート:

A great day for Republicans, a great day for our Country!


I agree, but in the end we will win and save our Country from certain destruction!


It’s time for Democrats to *do their job* and ratify #USMCAnow.


Chairman Schiff is clearly not getting the answers he wants from Volker and Morrison to close this hearing. Both continue to be clear: in his conduct, Volker never saw or took part in anything resembling bribery or extortion--and Morrison saw nothing wrong with the 7/25 call.

Mark Morisonをリツイート:

So far today we have Vindman, who never met or spoke to POTUS, testifying of alarming "demands" in the 7/25 call 3 witnesses disagree - His superior (Morrison) saw nothing wrong - Volker said he saw nothing of the sort - Jennifer Williams, on the call, reported no concerns

Mark Meadowsをリツイート:

Very bad day for @RepAdamSchiff, @SpeakerPelosi and Democrats. #ImpeachmentSham is crumbling. Another witness just told American people there was no bribery & no quid pro quo. "I was never involved in anything that I considered bribery at all... or extortion."

Jim Bをリツイート:

The Dems' new "bribery" narrative is unraveling quickly. More witnesses confirmed today that they were never asked to bribe or extort anyone. Maybe Dems should base their allegations on actual evidence, not focus groups. Dems have no case.

Steve Sをリツイート:

The facts are with @POTUS @realDonaldTrump. This charade has never been more than political theater and the American people know it. All they had to do was read the transcript. Time to end these partisan #ImpeachingHearings and get back to the people’s work.


Mike Kをリツイート:




Since the day President @realDonaldTrump took office, House Democrats have ignored working Americans to focus on their only real agenda item: impeachment. Meanwhile, our country created $11 trillion in worth.



In the 3,500 pages of transcripts released so far, there was only one reference to bribery. Ironically to describe Vice President Biden’s conduct, not President Trump’s. Why did we go from quid pro quo to extortion now to bribery? The answer is polling.

John Rをリツイート:公表された3500ページの資料の中で窃盗行為の指摘は1件のみ。皮肉なことにそれはバイデン副大統領に関するもので、トランプ大統領のものではなかった。


2019-11-20   Democrats also conveniently gloss over fact that, under @realDonaldTrump's administration, Ukraine received lethal military aid - something that the Obama administration never gave to Ukraine. Democrats don't want Americans to see the whole truth & nothing but the truth.

Andy B をリツイート:オバマ政権のウクライナ支援は2014~2016年にかけて毛布や食料。トランプ政権の支援は闘うための兵器。オバマ政権が絶対に与えなかったものである。民主党はアメリカ国民に真実を知られたくなかったのだ。



株式市場主要3指標がさらに新記録を更新! アメリカを再び偉大な国にしよう! アメリカを偉大な国に保ち続けよう


ラスムッセン社の支持率調査50%!ありがとう。アメリカを再び偉大な国にしよう! アメリカを偉大な国に保ち続けよう!


“Congressman Van Drew (D-NJ) SLAMS Democrats for ‘fracturing the Nation’ with Impeachment probe. ‘We already know how it’s going to end.” @FoxNews


2019-11-19   Just finished a very good & cordial meeting at the White House with Jay Powell of the Federal Reserve. Everything was discused including interest rates, negative interest, low inflation, easing, Dollar strength & its effect on manufacturing, trade with China, E.U. & others, etc.


Our Crazy, Do Nothing (where’s USMCA, infrastructure, lower drug pricing & much more?) Speaker of the House, Nervous Nancy Pelosi, who is petrified by her Radical Left knowing she will soon be gone (they & Fake News Media are her BOSS), suggested on Sunday’s DEFACE THE NATION that I testify about the phony Impeachment Witch Hunt. She also said I could do it in writing. Even though I did nothing wrong, and don’t like giving credibility to this No Due Process Hoax, I like the idea & will, in order to get Congress focused again, strongly consider it!


Never has the Republican Party been so united as it is now. 95% A.R. This is a great fraud being played out against the American people by the Fake News Media & their partner, the Do Nothing Democrats. The rules are rigged by Pelosi & Schiff, but we are winning, and we will win!


Schiff controls who testifies. Schiff controls how Republicans use our question time. Schiff controls what gets released from his secret depositions. Schiff shuts out witnesses who would contradict his one-sided narrative. This is what Pelosi is calling fair? It's a sham.

Steve Sをリツイート:シフが専管していること:①証言者、②共和党の質問者の持ち時間、③秘匿している査問項目からの暴露事項、④自分のシナリオに合わない証言者の発言。ペローシ議長はこの現実を公正と見做している。茶番である。

“All they do is bring up witnesses who didn’t witness anything.” @KatrinaPierson@SteveHiltonx Nothing matters except the two transcripts of the presidential calls, and the statement of no pressure put out by Ukraine!

以下はKartrina Piersonの見解:民主党が出来ることは証言出来ない人に証言させることだ。証拠能力が認められるのは大統領が発表して2件のウクライナとの通話記録だ!

“The Impeachment started before he even became President.” @greggutfeld @FoxNews

以下はGreg Gutfeldに見解:大統領弾劾訴追は大統領就任前にはじまっていた。

Where is the Fake Whistleblower?


Republicans & others must remember, the Ukrainian President and Foreign Minister both said that there was no pressure placed on them whatsoever. Also, they didn’t even know the money wasn’t paid, and got the money with no conditions. But why isn’t Germany, France (Europe) paying?


The Crazed, Do Nothing Democrats are turning Impeachment into a routine partisan weapon. That is very bad for our Country, and not what the Founders had in mind!!!!


Tell Jennifer Williams, whoever that is, to read BOTH transcripts of the presidential calls, & see the just released ststement from Ukraine. Then she should meet with the other Never Trumpers, who I don’t know & mostly never even heard of, & work out a better presidential attack!


Paul Krugman of @nytimes has been wrong about me from the very beginning. Anyone who has followed his “words of wisdom” has lost a great deal of money. Paul, just concede the game, say I was right, and lets start a brand new game!


Schiff is a Corrupt Politician!


.@SteveScalise blew the nasty & obnoxious Chris Wallace (will never be his father, Mike!) away on Chris’s lowest rated (unless I’m on) morning show. This kind of dumb and unfair interview would never have happened in the @FoxNews past. Great job Steve!


Thanks Eric!


I hope no one who serves our country and volunteers to do the unthinkable is ever treated like this again! Great job @realDonaldTrump! “US Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher has had his rank restored by President Trump”

Jr.をリツイート:国のためにボランティアとして信じられないような実績を上げ、このような仕打ちを受けている人物はいないと密かに思っている。大統領を讃える。海軍のEddie Gallagherの名誉が回復された。

Trump Washington D.C! @TrumpDC


Paul Krugman has called me wrong from day one. People at the Failing New York Times are very angry at him for having “missed” by soooo much. Paul, match over!

(株価に関して)Paul Krugman教授は私の就任初日からニューヨークタイムズの寄稿でトランプは間違っていると言った。ものごとを正面から取り上げないニューヨークタイムズは見通しを誤ったことで教授に対して怒っている。勝負ありだ!

This. This is the impeachment that Democrats have spent the last three years working on. ↓ Hours of hearsay from handpicked witnesses that have never even met the president.

Kevin Mをリツイート:

Coming soon... A new #HeresTheTruth with @RepGregWalden debunking Pelosi’s drug pricing scheme.

Dan Cをリツイート:

I agree Katrina, Pam Bondi is a great woman!


WATCH: Schiff's #impeachment sham is at it again. This time, he refuses to let 

@EliseStefanik speak (again). This circus is rigged.


The Do Nothing Dems are now doing even less - and soooo much work to be done!


Joe Ricketts, one of our Country’s most successful businessmen, including being the owner of the Chicago Cubs, has just written a great new book, THE HARDER YOU WORK, THE LUCKIER YOU GET. So true! Much can be learned from Joe. Go get the book!


A BIG difference!


2019-11-18   Our great Farmers will recieve another major round of “cash,” compliments of China Tariffs, prior to Thanksgiving. The smaller farms and farmers will be big beneficiaries. In the meantime, and as you may have noticed, China is starting to buy big again. Japan deal DONE. Enjoy!


.@MariaBartiromo has a GREAT show going on right now, 10:00 A.M. Fantastic guests talk about the Fake Impeachment! @FoxNews


Mr. Chairman, Joe Biden may be Sleepy and Very Slow, but he is not a “rabid dog.” He is actually somewhat better than that, but I am the only one who can get you where you have to be. You should act quickly, get the deal done. See you soon!


以下に金正恩議長がバイデンは狂犬と言った出典を引用:Graham Ledger:North Korea calls Joe Biden a ‘rabid dog’ who should be ‘beaten to death with a stick’ in latest attack on Trump’s rival. #Biden #biden2020(北朝鮮はJoe Bidenをトランプによって鞭で叩きのめされるべき「狂犬」と言っている)

Dowd never understood the pulse of the Republican Party, present or past. He’s just a 3rd rate hit job for Fake News @ABC!


How many times can Adam Schiff say “the Gentlewoman is NOT recognized”? He clearly has NO interest in letting Republicans have any say in the impeachment hearings. Watch him interrupt us multiple times and refuse to yield for our parliamentary questions

Elise Stefanik議員をリツイート:シフ議員は「この共和党の最年少女性議員は認知されていない」と何回言えば気が済むのだろうか。シフは弾劾査問に共和党議員を証言させない積りなのだ。何回も質問を遮り、拒否している。

A new Republican Star is born. Great going @EliseStefanik!

Elise Stefanik議員は共和党の新星だ!

.@EliseStefanik is on@RepAdamSchiffcan do nothing but watch his #impeachment sham crumble.

Oversight Committee Republicansをリツイート:

Ever since President @realDonaldTrump took action in the face of Congress’ neglect, border apprehensions have plummeted by 70% (!) since the peak of the crisis. THANK YOU to our brave @CBPofficers!


I agree Katrina, Pam Bondi is a great womem!


Just finished the depo of OMB staffer, Mark Sandy, in Schiff’s Capitol basement bunker. He came in to testify about why there was a hold on aid to Ukraine. His answer was very bad for Schiff’s fairy tale. This transcript needs to be released BEFORE the next public hearing on Tue!


Visited a great family of a young man under major surgery at the amazing Walter Reed Medical Center. Those are truly some of the best doctors anywhere in the world. Also began phase one of my yearly physical. Everything very good (great!). Will complete next year.


Walter Reedメディカルセンターで手術を受けた青年とその家族を訪問した。世界1の医師集団が揃っている病院である。私の毎年の健康診断の第1段階を受診した。問題なしとのことだった。来年の勝利に立ち向かう。

Louisiana, 3 hours left, get out and Vote for @EddieRisponefor Governor. Lower taxes and much more!


8 HOURS UNTIL THE POLLS CLOSE 1.Go to http://VoteRispone.com. 2. Find your polling information. 3. Get out and vote John Bel Edwards out! #LAGov #VoteRispone




Dug Collinsを引用:Fact: Pelosi’s inquiry is officially the first presidential impeachment inquiry in modern history authorized by members of only one party.(ペローシ議長の大統領弾劾査問はアメリカの現代史におけるかつてない1党単独弾劾査問である)




Congratulations Kimberley. Great book! https://twitter.com/kimstrassel/status/1188848384003604481




LOUISIANA, VOTE @EddieRisponeTODAY! He will be a great governor!


“I mean, come on. The Democrats are doing focus groups to try and figure out what words to use to move the needle. The Democrats know this is political and they’re just trying to drag Trump’s name into the mud!” Lisa Booth @foxandfriends Thank you Lisa!

ありがとう。以下はLisa Booth見解:「民主党がやっていることはトランプの名に泥を塗るためだけである」

“Triggered,” a great book by my son, Don. Now number one on @NYTIMES LIST. Keep it there for a while!


Good morning Louisiana! Polls are open at 7AM. Get out and VOTE for @EddieRispone to be your next Gov! He will get your taxes and auto insurance (highest in Country!) way down. Loves our Military & Vets. Will protect your 2A. Find your polling place below:


2019-11-17   “My support for Donald Trump has never been greater than it is right now. It is paramountly obvious watching this, these people have to go. You elected Donald Trump to drain the Swamp, well, dismissing people like Yovanovitch is what that looks like. Dismissing people like Kent and Taylor, dismissing everybody involved from the Obama holdover days trying to undermine Trump, getting rid of those people, dismissing them, this is what it looks like. It was never going to be claen, they were never going to sit by idly and just let Trump do this!” Rush L


Dow hits 28,000 - FIRST TIME EVER, HIGHEST EVER! Gee, Pelosi & Schitt have a good idea, “lets Impeach the President.” If something like that ever happened, it would lead to the biggest FALL in Market History. It’s called a Depression, not a Recession! So much for 401-K’s & Jobs!


“Army 1st Lt. Clint Lorance, one of two U.S. Army officers granted clemency Friday by POTUS Trump, was released from prison in Kansas on Friday night & reunited w/ family members.” https://foxnews.com/us/army-1st-lt-clint-lorance-released-from-leavenworth-prison-after-trump-grants-clemency… Below, Clint reunites w/ family, after 6yrs (19yr sentence) in prison.

Dan Scavinoをリツイート:19年の刑期で服役中の陸軍兵士が6年の刑期を終えたところで大統領による特別減刑を得て家族の元に戻った。その映像。

AG Bill Barr: "Immediately after President Trump won election, opponents inaugurated what they call 'The Resistance' and they rallied around an explicit strategy of using every tool and maneuver to sabotage the functioning of the executive branch."


Attorney General Bill Barr slams the constant efforts to undermine the president in a speech to the Federalist Society


Mark Levinをリツイート:

Big day in LOUISIANA tomorrow! Get out and VOTE to replace Radical Liberal Democrat John Bel Edwards with a great new REPUBLICAN Governor, 

@EddieRispone ! #GeauxVote #LAgov

ルイジアナ州にとって明日は大切な日となる。知事を民主党の急進左派John Bel Edwardsから共和党の新人Eddie Rispone候補に替えよう。



History is going to be so MASSIVELY unkind towards Pelosi, Schiff and the rest of Congressional Democrats who continue supporting this impeachment charade.

Lee Zeldinをリツイート:歴史は弾劾査問に賛成し続ける民主党議員に鉄槌を下そうとしている。

The Democrats second day impeachment witness, Ambassador Yovanovitch, has no information on any of the relevant questions. They have no case. This is not serious.

Mark Meadowsをリツイート:民主党による公聴会2日目のYovanovitch前大使の証言に見るべきものは全くなかった。

Obama’s own State Dept. was so concerned about conflicts of interest from Hunter Biden’s role at Burisma that they raised it themselves while prepping the Ambassador for her confirmation. Yet our Democratic colleagues & Adam Schiff cry foul when we dare ask that same question.

Elise Stfanicをリツイート:オバマ政権下の国務省はウクライナのBurisma社におけるハンターバイデンの役割について利益相反の問題があることをYovanovitch駐ウクライナアメリカ前大使の上院における信認に際し懸念していた。

The facts are clear, confirmed by our witness, Ambassador Yovanovitch: defensive lethal aid was provided to Ukraine not by the Obama Administration, but by the Trump Administration.

Elise Stfanicをリツイート:Yovanovitch前駐ウクライナアメリカ大使の発言:ウクライナに必須の防衛支援を供与したのはオバマ政権ではなくトランプ政権である。

The Dems' star witness was just asked on record if she had any information regarding @realDonaldTrump accepting any bribes or being involved in any criminal activity. Her answer was clear: "No." Game over. Time to end this impeachment charade.

Steve Scalseをリツイート:Yovanovitch前大使の証言は明らかに疑惑なしであった。弾劾騒動を終える時である。

Before Chairman Adam Schiff gets a chance to make up another phone call between Presidents Trump and Zelensky, @DevinNunes just read the entire transcript aloud.

Kevin McCarthyをリツイート:

“Ukrainian FM Vadym Prystaiko said on Thur that the U.S. Amb did not link financial military assistance to a request for Ukraine to open up an investigation into former VP & current Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden.” https://dailywire.com/news/new-remarks-from-top-ukrainian-official-damages-democrats-impeachment-narrative

Dan Scavinoをリツイート:

We now have both the April and July calls between President Trump and President Zelensky. Once again, no linkage of any kind. The WH has displayed unprecedented transparency. Meanwhile, Democrats haven’t even released all of the deposition transcripts.

Jim Jordanをリツイート:

Bravo from @RepChrisStewart, who just summarized this whole hearing: Q: "Do you have any information regarding POTUS accepting bribes?" Yovanovitch: "No" Q: Do you have any evidence of any criminal activity from POTUS?" Yovanovitch: "No" That, there, should be the ballgame

Mark Meadowsをリツイート:

Democrats didn’t like the outcome of the 2016 election, so now they’re trying to impeach @realDonaldTrump

Steve Watkinsをリツイート:

.@RepStefanik: "I just want to get it on record. In terms of defensive lethal aid, which you were an advocate for, that was NOT provided by President Obama. It was provided by President Trump." Yovanovitch: "That's correct."

Kevin McArthyをリツイート:

.@RepDevinNunes is exactly right: former Ambassador Yovanovitch should not be a witness at an impeachment hearing where she is NOT a material fact witness to any of the accusations that are being hurled at the President for this sham impeachment inquisition.

Andy Biggsをリツイート:

Why is Chairman Schiff afraid of @RepStefanik? Why doesn’t he want Republican members to ask questions? Why is he conducting more secret hearings after promising the American people an open process?



So they now convict Roger Stone of lying and want to jail him for many years to come. Well, what about Crooked Hillary, Comey, Strzok, Page, McCabe, Brennan, Clapper, Shifty Schiff, Ohr & Nellie, Steele & all of the others, including even Mueller himself? Didn’t they lie? A double standard like never seen before in the history of our Country?

民主党はRoger Stoneの虚偽証言をとらえて投獄しようとしている。嘘を言うなら、ヒラリー、コーミー、・・・、ミラー特別補佐官はどうなのだ。この国の歴史になかったことである。

Stock Market up big. New and Historic Record. Job, jobs, jobs!


We have vacancies in various departments because we do not want or need as many people as past administrations (and save great cost), and also, the Democrats delay the approval process to levels unprecedented in the history of our Country!



Another Record Stock Market, 21 times this year, despite an ongoing, & totally unfounded, Witch Hunt, & a Democrat Party that would love to see a nice, big, juicy recession. In actuality, the potential for the United States is unlimited. We will power through the Do Nothing Dems!


2019-11-16   Everywhere Marie Yovanovitch went turned bad. She started off in Somalia, how did that go? Then fast forward to Ukraine, where the new Ukrainian President spoke unfavorably about her in my second phone call with him. It is a U.S. President’s absolute right to appoint ambassadors. They call it “serving at the pleasure of the President.” The U.S. now has a very strong and powerful foreign policy, much different than proceeding administrations. It is called, quite simply, America First! With all of that, however, I have done FAR more for Ukraine than O.

Marie Yovanovitch前駐ウクライナ大使は赴任先で不評である。最初はソマリア。次にウクライナ。大使の任命は大統領の専権事項である。アメリカは歴代政権より強力な外交を展開している。アメリカファーストである。オバマ政権よりウクライナに対してはるかにためになる外交を行なっている。

The Impeachment Witch Hunt should be over with the statement made last night by the President and Foreign Minister of Ukraine. Nervous Nancy Pelosi, who should be home cleaning up the dangerous & disgusting Slum she is making of her District in San Francisco, where even the filth pouring into the Pacific Ocean is rapidly becoming an environmental hazard, is getting NOTHING DONE. She is a Do Nothing Democrat as Speaker, and will hopefully not be in that position very long. Approve USMCA, which has been sitting on her desk for months!


Democrats must apologize to USA: Ukrainian Foreign Minister Vadym Prystaiko said that “United States Ambassador Gordon Sondland did NOT link financial military assistance to a request for Ukraine to open up an investigation into former V.P. Joe Biden & his son, Hunter Biden. Ambassador Sondland did not tell us, and certainly did not tell me, about a connection between the assistance and the investigation.” THE FAKE IMPEACHMENT INQUIRY IS NOW DEAD!

民主党はアメリカに謝罪すべきである:ウクライナのVadym Prystaiko外相は「駐ウクライナGordon Sondlandアメリカ大使は軍事援助とバイデン候補の息子の捜査を関連付けなかった。Sondland大使はウクライナに対し援助と捜査の関係について話さなかったのであり、まして外務大臣の私に対しそのように話さなかった」と語っている。偽の弾劾査問は終わった!

This Saturday, the eyes of history are looking at the people of Louisiana. If you want to defend your values, your jobs, and your freedom, then you need to REPLACE Radical Liberal John Bel Edwards with a true Louisiana Patriot: 

@EddieRispone! #GeauxVote

今週土曜日、歴史の目がルイジアナ州の知事選挙に注がれる。価値観と職場と自由を求めるならルイジアナ州を愛するEddie Risponeに投票し、民主党急進左派で現職のEdwards知事を更迭する必要がある。

Great news for @GAPoultryFed, @chickencouncil, and poultry farmers across the country! Thank you @realDonaldTrump, @SecretarySonnyand @USTradeRep for your ongoing commitment to American farmers.

D Cをリツイート:全米養鶏農家に朗報!毎年10億ドル以上の鶏肉と鶏肉製品が中国に輸出されるとUSTR代表が発表した。大統領と農務長官とLighthizer代表に感謝。

TODAY the Ukrainian Foreign Minister, Vadym Prystaiko, verified what we already knew: “I have never seen a direct relationship between investigations and security assistance.”

J J をリツイート:Vadym Prystaikoウクライナ外相がバイデン調査と援助には直接的関係はないという周知の事実を確認した。

Calls & meetings: 7/25—Call between @POTUS

and Zelensky 7/26—Volker & Taylor meet Zelensky 8/27—John Bolton meets Zelensky 9/1—VP Pence meets Zelensky 9/5—Sens. Johnson & Murphy meet Zelensky Not one mention of linking dollars to investigation of the Bidens. 9/11—Aid released

J J をリツイート:

“Adam Schiff is wasting the nation's time with impeachment hearings”

D Sをリツイート:シフ議員は弾劾調査で国家の政治を空転させている。

Getting ready to land in Louisiana to do Rally with Great Republican @EddieRispone for Governor. He will get your taxes and auto insurance (highest in Country!) way down. Loves our Military & Vets. Will protect your 2nd Amendment. VOTE SATURDAY!


We continue to monitor the terrible events at Saugus High School in Santa Clarita, California through our ongoing communications with Local, State, and Federal Authorities. We send our deepest condolences to the families and friends of those tragically lost, and we pray for the speedy recovery of the wounded.

カリフォルニア州Santa ClaritaのSaugus High School で発生した惨劇に対し深甚なる弔意を表明する。

Where’s the Fake Whistleblower?


2019-11-15    WSJ: Nancy Pelosi had it right the first time when she did not want to go down the Impeachment path. Make it a voting issue. But no, the Left insisted on raising this to the gravity of a constitutional crisis & Impeachment. The hearings suggested it’s not going anywhere, so we’ve now had 3 years of the Democrats chasing Donald Trump.


Nancy Pelosi’s worried about the American voter looking for someone to blame for that eventually. Look at her own story in the House. What have they done? The average American can’t identify anything that the House Democrats have done since she’s become Speaker, other than chase Donald Trump.” This Impeachment Hoax is such a bad precedent and sooo bad for our Country!
