
5-1    I’ve done more for Firefighters than this dues sucking union will ever do, and I get paid ZERO!



If Cuban Troops and Militia do not immediately CEASE military and other operations for the purpose of causing death and destruction to the Constitution of Venezuela, a full and complete embargo, together with highest-level sanctions, will be placed on the island of Cuba. Hopefully, all Cuban soldiers will promptly and peacefully return to their island!


CONGRATULATIONS to the 2018 @NASCAR Cup Series Champion, @JoeyLogano!


I am monitoring the situation in Venezuela very closely. The United States stands with the People of Venezuela and their Freedom!


China is adding great stimulus to its economy while at the same time keeping interest rates low. Our Federal Reserve has incessantly lifted interest rates, even though inflation is very low, and instituted a very big dose of quantitative tightening. We have the potential to go up like a rocket if we did some lowering of rates, like one point, and some quantitative easing. Yes, we are doing very well at 3.2% GDP, but with our wonderfully low inflation, we could be setting major records &, at the same time, make our National Debt start to look small!


We have 1,800 ISIS Prisoners taken hostage in our final battles to destroy 100% of the Caliphate in Syria. Decisions are now being made as to what to do with these dangerous prisoners. European countries are not helping at all, even though this was very much done for their benefit. They are refusing to take back prisoners from their specific countries. Not good!



If the Democrats don’t give us the votes to change our weak, ineffective and dangerous Immigration Laws, we must fight hard for these votes in the 2020 Election!


4-30    The Coyotes and Drug Cartels are in total control of the Mexico side of the Southern Border. They have labs nearby where they make drugs to sell into the U.S. Mexico, one of the most dangerous country’s in the world, must eradicate this problem now. Also, stop the MARCH to U.S.


Pittsburgh jobless rate hits lowest point since the early 1970s (maybe even better than that) and Sleepy Joe just had his first rally there. Fact is, every economic aspect of our Country is the best it has ever been!


Thank you to @realDonaldTrump and the @WhiteHouse staff for a great experience for the Lady Bears!

Baylor Lady Bearsをリツイート:ホワイトハウス訪問という素晴らしい機会を与えられた大統領とホワイトハウススタッフのみなさんに感謝!

The New York Times has apologized for the terrible Anti-Semitic Cartoon, but they haven’t apologized to me for this or all of the Fake and Corrupt news they print on a daily basis. They have reached the lowest level of “journalism,” and certainly a low point in @nytimes history!



Bob Mueller was a great HERO to the Radical Left Democrats. Now that the Mueller Report is finished, with a finding of NO COLLUSION & NO OBSTRUCTION (based on a review of Report by our highly respected A.G.), the Dems are going around saying, “Bob who, sorry, don’t know the man.”


The Dues Sucking firefighters leadership will always support Democrats, even though the membership wants me. Some things never change!

グループの中に私を支持するメンバーがいてもDues Sucking地域の消防関係団体の指導者はこれまで一貫して民主党を支持してきた。昔と何も変わっていない!

The Media (Fake News) is pushing Sleepy Joe hard. Funny, I’m only here because of Biden & Obama. They didn’t do the job and now you have Trump, who is getting it done - big time! Sleepy Joe Biden is having his first rally in the Great State of Pennsylvania. He obviously doesn’t know that Pennsylvania is having one of the best economic years in its history, with lowest unemployment EVER, a now thriving Steel Industry (that was dead) & great future!


I’ll never get the support of Dues Crazy union leadership, those people who rip-off their membership with ridiculously high dues, medical and other expenses while being paid a fortune. But the members love Trump. They look at our record economy, tax & reg cuts, military etc. WIN!


The NRA is under siege by Cuomo and the New York State A.G., who are illegally using the State’s legal apparatus to take down and destroy this very important organization, & others. It must get its act together quickly, stop the internal fighting, & get back to GREATNESS - FAST! People are fleeing New York State because of high taxes and yes, even oppression of sorts. They didn’t even put up a fight against SALT - could have won. So much litigation. The NRA should leave and fight from the outside of this very difficult to deal with (unfair) State!


4-29   I spoke at length yesterday to Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein, Chabad of Poway, where I extended my warmest condolences to him and all affected by the shooting in California. What a great guy. He had a least one finger blown off, and all he wanted to do is help others. Very special!


昨日、襲撃を受けたカリフォルニア州Powayのユダヤ教のYisroel Goldsein司祭と電話で話し、司祭と襲撃事件の被害者に心からの哀悼の意を伝えた。立派な人格者だった。自分のことは一切求めないですべて自分以外の関係者への支援を求められた。特筆に価する!

Will be interviewed by @MariaBartiromo on @FoxNews at 10:00 AM. Talking about the Southern Border and how the Dems MUST act fast to change our pathetic immigration laws. Will be tough, watch! 

FOXニュースのMaria Bartiromoの午前10時に受ける。話題は南部国境の現状とアメリカの悲劇的な移民法に対する民主党の対応である。厳重に対応する。見てもらいたい。




The Democratic National Committee, sometimes referred to as the DNC, is again working its magic in its quest to destroy Crazy Bernie Sanders for the more traditional, but not very bright, Sleepy Joe Biden. Here we go again Bernie, but this time please show a little more anger and indignation when you get screwed!

民主党全国委員会(DNC)は狂気じみたBernie Sanders潰しに伝統的ではあるが新味のないJoe Bidenを担ぐというマジックを用いている。われわれは行動を開始するが、今回バーニー候補が活動を開始する際は、もっと怒り、憤慨する様を見せて貰いたい!

4-28   Beautiful #TrumpRally tonight in Green Bay, Wisconsin with a massive crowd. Thank you for joining me, I love you! #MAGA 

ウィスコンシン州Green Bay集会は素晴らしかった。ありがとう!

Thank you to brilliant and highly respected attorney Alan Dershowitz for destroying the very dumb legal argument of “Judge” Andrew Napolitano. Ever since Andrew came to my office to ask that I appoint him to the U.S. Supreme Court, and I said NO, he has been very hostile! Also asked for pardon for his friend. A good “pal” of low ratings Shepard Smith.

ハーバード大学で教鞭をとり、聡明で尊敬されている法律家Alan Dershowitz氏に感謝。氏はAndrew Napolitano『判事』のくだらない法律論を論破してくれた。判事はしばしば私のオフィスに来て、最高裁判事に任命するよう言ってきたが私は応じなかったのだが、何かにつけて私に敵対するようになっていた。判事の友人に恩赦を与えるように要請もした。

Thank you Green Bay, Wisconsin! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!

Just arrived in Green Bay, Wisconsin for a #MAGA Rally. Big crowds - join me at 8:00 P.M. Eastern, live on @FoxNews!


ウイスコンシン州Green Bayに到着した。東部時間夜8時、FOXニュースでライブ中継される。

Just arrived in Green Bay, Wisconsin for a #MAGA Rally. Big crowds - join me at 8:00 P.M. Eastern, live on @FoxNews!

ウイスコンシン州Green Bayに到着した。東部時間夜8時、FOXニュースでライブ中継される。

Sincerest THANK YOU to our great Border Patrol Agent who stopped the shooter at the Synagogue in Poway, California. He may have been off duty but his talents for Law Enforcement weren’t!


Great day with Prime Minister @AbeShinzo of Japan. We played a quick round of golf by the beautiful Potomac River while talking Trade and many other subjects. He has now left for Japan and I am on my way to Wisconsin where a very large crowd of friends await!


Leaving now for Green Bay, Wisconsin - BIG CROWD, will be there shortly! #MAGA

ウイスコンシン州Green Bayに向かう。大聴衆が期待される!アメリカを再び偉大な国にしよう。

Thoughts and prayers to all of those affected by the shooting at the Synagogue in Poway, California. God bless you all. Suspect apprehended. Law enforcement did outstanding job. Thank you!


We must end the Opioid Crisis. Do your part today by participating in prescription drug  at over 4,000 locations across the Country!


 is a reminder to dispose of your unused prescription drugs responsibly! Find your nearest collection center at DEA.GOV #BeBest @DEAHQ


4-27   Today is National Drug Take Back Day! Find a collection site near you and join the fight against opioid abuse.



Congratulations to Nick Bosa on being picked number two in the NFL Draft. You will be a great player for years to come, maybe one of the best. Big Talent! San Francisco will embrace you but most importantly, always stay true to yourself. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

 アメリカンフォットボールのドラフトナンバー2に指名されたNick Bosa選手を祝す。今後数年間、最高の選手の1人になるだろう。資質が素晴らしい!サンフランスシスコは君を誇りとするであろうが、もっと大切なことは自分に忠実であることだ!アメリカを再び偉大な国にしよう!



“U.S. Economy Grows 3.2% in Q1, Smashing Expectations”


"With God as our witness, we swear today that we will defend our rights, we will safeguard our freedoms, we will uphold our heritage, we will protect our Constitution, and we will make America stronger, prouder, safer and GREATER than ever before!”


“Under my Administration, we will never surrender American sovereignty to anyone. We will never allow foreign bureaucrats to trample on your Second Amendment freedoms. And that is why my Administration will never ratify the UN Arms Trade Treaty.”


Spoke to Saudi Arabia and others about increasing oil flow. All are in agreement. The California tax on gasoline is causing big problems on pricing for that state. Speak to your Governor about reducing. Economic numbers, 3.2% GDP for what is often worst quarter, looking good!


Great NRA crowd and enthusiasm in Indiana. Thank you! Leaving now for meetings in the Oval Office.


Just out: Real GDP for First Quarter grew 3.2% at an annual rate. This is far above expectations or projections. Importantly, inflation VERY LOW. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!


Heading to Indianapolis to speak at the big NRA Conference. Love being in Indiana. The @NRA is getting stronger & stronger and doing some really great and important work. Having their powerful support has been vital to #MAGA!


Weirdo Tom Steyer, who didn’t have the “guts” or money to run for President, is still trying to remain relevant by putting himself on ads begging for impeachment. He doesn’t mention the fact that mine is perhaps the most successful first 2 year presidency in history & NO C OR O!

奇人の Tom Steyerは度胸も資金もないのに大統領訴追だけを公約に掲げて予備選挙を戦っている。私の2年間の実績がおそらく最高であることを棚に上げている!

“President Donald J. Trump is the greatest hostage negotiator that I know of in the history of the United States. 20 hostages, many in impossible circumstances, have been released in last two years. No money was paid.” Cheif Hostage Negotiator, USA!


No money was paid to North Korea for Otto Warmbier, not two Million Dollars, not anything else. This is not the Obama Administration that paid 1.8 Billion Dollars for four hostages, or gave five terroist hostages plus, who soon went back to battle, for traitor Sgt. Bergdahl!

 北朝鮮から送還された後に亡くなったOtto Warmbierさんの治療費を一切支払っていない。トランプ政権はオバマ政権とは違うのだ。オバマ政権は4人の人質に18億ドルも支払い、脱走してタリバンに拘束されたBergdahl軍曹の釈放と引き換えに5名の捕虜を釈放したのだ。釈放した捕虜は間もなくアメリカとの戦争に復帰していた。

4-26   I will be interviewed on @seanhannity at 9:00 PM. In 5 minutes - Enjoy!

午後9時にSean Hannity



Our Border Control Agents have done an incredible job under very adverse conditions. I am very proud to have increased their salaries because of the great job they do. Nobody deserves it more. THANK YOU and keep up the outstanding work!


President @realDonaldTrump and @FLOTUS traveled to Atlanta, Georgia, yesterday for the Rx Drug Abuse and Heroin Summit, continuing their fight against America's opioid crisis.


Look forward to seeing everyone in Indianapolis, Indiana tomorrow!


I will be interviewed by @seanhannity tonight at 9:00 PM on @FoxNews. Enjoy!

今夜9時にFOXニュースのSean Hannityの番組に出席する。お楽しみに!

"The man who killed my son never did a day in prison. Not one day." On January 22nd, 2015, Grant Ronnebeck was shot and killed by an illegal immigrant over a pack of cigarettes. Listen to his father's story:


フロリダ州選出Mat Gaetz共和党下院議員をリツイート:『私の息子を殺害した男は1日たりとも刑務所に収監されていない』 これはタバコ1箱のことで不法移民に息子を殺害された父親の声である。耳を傾けて貰いたい。

If Joe Biden wants to keep score: In 8 years, Biden & Obama had a net loss of 193,000 manufacturing jobs. In just over 2 years, @realDonaldTrump has created 453,000 manufacturing jobs. Don’t let Biden take us backwards!

共和党チェアーウーマンRonna McDanielをリツイート:バイデン前副大統領とトランプ大統領の実績対比:バイデンとオバマの8年間の製造業の雇用は193,000件減少。トランプ大統領の2年間の製造業の雇用は453,000件増。バイデンに託すことは出来ない。

Joe Biden literally can’t hide from the economic successes of @realDonaldTrump’s administration. Biden chose Pennsylvania to launch his campaign – a state where the unemployment rate just dropped to the lowest level *ever recorded.*

共和党チェアーウーマンRonna McDanielをリツイート:バイデン候補はトランプ大統領の経済の実績を正面から受け止めなければならない。バイデンはペンシルバニア州で第1声をあげる場所に選んだが、ここは失業率が『史上最低』を記録しているところである。

Do you want to go back to a bad economy, failed foreign policy, and more broken promises?


I’m grateful for my colleagues who accompanied me to the border to view the crisis w/ their own eyes. It’s one thing to talk about this crisis from our districts; it’s another entirely to walk w/ agents on the ground to experience their everyday realities https://biggs.house.gov/media/press-releases/members-congress-visit-us-mexico-border-yuma-arizona …

アリゾナ州選出Andy Biggs共和党下院議員をリツイート:国境の危機をこの目で確かめようと同行してくれた関係各位に感謝。われわれの現場を話題にするのは1つの方法だが、現場を毎日パトロールしている政府職員と行動を共にするのは全く凄いことである。

Volume 1 of the Mueller Report is based on evidence, while Volume 2 seems to rely heavily on the reporting of news outlets. The report cites the media more than 125 times. It seems like they spent their time watching and reading the news instead of actually investigating!

フロリダ州選出Matt Gaetz共和党下院議員をリツイート:Mueller報告の第1部は事実を書いているが、第2部はニュースメディアの報道に依拠している部分が多いように思う。メディアを125ヵ所て引用している。実際の捜査ではなくTVニュースや活字になったニュースを読むのに時間を費やしたように見える!

We knew they wouldn’t give up. The collusion delusion fell flat, and now reports say House Democrats are preparing to “ramp up” their investigations of President Trump. Not “move on”—“ramp up.” They’re doubling down. This is a myopic obsession with politically targeting POTUS.

Mark Meadowsをリツイート:民主党は諦めないことが分かっている。疑惑の幻想は完全に崩れた。だが報道によると下院民主党はトランプ大統領の身辺調査を強化する。次に進むのではなく、現状を強化する。掛け金を2倍にするようなことをやっている。大統領を政治的攻撃の標的にする近視眼的固執である。

"The collusion delusion fell flat." @RepMarkMeadows suggests Democrats are too blinded by hatred of @realDonaldTrump to lead the country.

ワシントンイグザミナー4月24日をリツイート:Mark Meadowsによると『疑惑の幻想は完全に崩れた』 民主党はトランプによる国政運営に対する憎悪で見境を失っている。

Reminder: Democrats demanding an unredacted Mueller report (exposing even classified info) spent a year attacking myself, @Jim_Jordan, @DevinNunes + others for wanting FISA docs WITH national security redactions. They're not interested in transparency. They want a political foil.

Mark Meadowsをリツイート:民主党は機密情報を含むMueller報告の全文の公開を求めている。透明性を要求しているのではなく、国政の妨害を求めているのである。

It’s time to figure out what the Comey Cabal did at the start of the fake “Russia collusion” investigation. Comey, Andy McCabe, Jim Baker, Lisa Page and Peter Strzok need to be held accountable for launching this hoax. Each of them were either fired or demoted and left the FBI.

Jim Jordanをリツイート:ロシア疑惑の発端に何があったのか、ComeyとAndy McCabeと Jim Bakerと Lisa Page とPeter Strzokを査問する必要がある。

Democrats are obsessed with @realDonaldTrump. It's time to move on and solve problems for the American people.

Oversight Committee Republicasをリツイート:民主党がトランプ大統領に固執している。アメリカ国民のために問題を解明すべき時である。

Peter Strzok told us that he would “love to answer each and every one of [our] questions" once the Mueller investigation concluded. The investigation is over. Time to bring Strzok and the rest of the Comey Cabal back in to get those answers.


Jim Jordanをリツイート:Peter StrzokはMueller報告が終わった時にわれわれからの質問に答えると言っていた。捜査が一段落した機会にPeter Strzokとその周辺の人物に答えさせよう。

Welcome to the race Sleepy Joe. I only hope you have the intelligence, long in doubt, to wage a successful primary campaign. It will be nasty - you will be dealing with people who truly have some very sick & demented ideas. But if you make it, I will see you at the Starting Gate!


4-25   As has been incorrectly reported by the Fake News Media, I never told then White House Counsel Don McGahn to fire Robert Mueller, even though I had the legal right to do so. If I wanted to fire Mueller, I didn’t need McGahn to do it, I could have done it myself. 

偽ニュースメディアによって間違って報道されたが、私はRobert Mueller特別検察官を更迭しようと思えば更迭する法的権限を有していたのだが、私はホワイトハウスのDon McGahn補佐官に特別検察官の更迭を話したことはない。更迭する気なら補佐官に更迭させる必要はなく、自分で更迭していた。

Nevertheless, Mueller was NOT fired and was respectfully allowed to finish his work on what I, and many others, say was an illegal investigation (there was no crime), headed by a Trump hater who was highly conflicted, and a group of 18 VERY ANGRY Democrats. DRAIN THE SWAMP! Despite the fact that the Mueller Report was “composed” by Trump Haters and Angry Democrats, who had unlimited funds and human resources, the end result was No Collusion, No Obstruction. Amazing!


The Great State of Tennessee is so close to passing School Choice. All of our Nation’s children, regardless of background, deserve a shot at achieving the American Dream! Time to get this done, so important!


.@SenMikeLee of the great state of Utah has written a wonderful new book entitled, “Our Lost Declaration.” Highly recommended!

ユタ州選出Mike Lee共和党上院議員が『失われた宣誓』という新著を出した。素晴らしい内容で強く推奨する。

As ONE UNITED NATION, we will work, we will pray, and we will fight for the day when every family across our land can live in a DRUG FREE AMERICA! #RxSummit2019


Today, @FLOTUS Melania and I were honored to join thousands of leaders from across the Country for the 2019 Prescription Drug Abuse and Heroin Summit (@RxSummit) in Atlanta, Georgia! #RxSummit2019


Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is correct, the VA is not broken, it is doing great. But that is only because of the Trump Administration. We got Veterans Choice & Accountability passed. “President Trump deserves a lot of credit.” Dan Caldwell, Concerned Veterans of America

以下はDan Caldwellの発言:『ニューヨーク州選出民主党Ocasio-Cortez下院議員が言うように退役軍人問題はない。だがそれはトランプ政権のおかげだ。われわれが退役軍人の医療に選択の道を開き、法を整備したからである。『トランプ大統領は大いに評価さるべきである』

I didn’t call Bob Costa of the Washington Post, he called me (Returned his call)! Just more Fake News.

ワシントンポスト紙のBob Costa記者にこちらから電話していない。記者が電話していたから電話しただけである!偽ニュースだ!

No Collusion, No Obstruction - there has NEVER been a President who has been more transparent. Millions of pages of documents were given to the Mueller Angry Dems, plus I allowed everyone to testify, including W.H. counsel. I didn’t have to do this, but now they want more. Congress has no time to legislate, they only want to continue the Witch Hunt, which I have already won. They should start looking at The Criminals who are already very well known to all. This was a Rigged System - WE WILL DRAIN THE SWAMP!


Can anyone comprehend what a GREAT job Border Patrol and Law Enforcement is doing on our Southern Border. So far this year they have APPREHENDED 418,000 plus illegal immigrants, way up from last year. Mexico is doing very little for us. DEMS IN CONGRESS MUST ACT NOW!


The Mueller Report, despite being written by Angry Democrats and Trump Haters, and with unlimited money behind it ($35,000,000), didn’t lay a glove on me. I DID NOTHING WRONG. If the partisan Dems ever tried to Impeach, I would first head to the U.S. Supreme Court. Not only are there no “High Crimes and Misdemeanors,” there are no Crimes by me at all. All of the Crimes were committed by Crooked Hillary, the Dems, the DNC and Dirty Cops - and we caught them in the act! We waited for Mueller and WON, so now the Dems look to Congress as last hope!


Mexico’s Soldiers recently pulled guns on our National Guard Soldiers, probably as a diversionary tactic for drug smugglers on the Border. Better not happen again! We are now sending ARMED SOLDIERS to the Border. Mexico is not doing nearly enough in apprehending & returning!


A very big Caravan of over 20,000 people started up through Mexico. It has been reduced in size by Mexico but is still coming. Mexico must apprehend the remainder or we will be forced to close that section of the Border & call up the Military. The Coyotes & Cartels have weapons!


The American people deserve to know who is in this Country. Yesterday, the Supreme Court took up the Census Citizenship question, a really big deal. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!


“Former CIA analyst Larry Johnson accuses United Kingdom Intelligence of helping Obama Administration Spy on the 2016 Trump Presidential Campaign.” @OANN WOW! It is now just a question of time before the truth comes out, and when it does, it will be a beauty!

以下はOne America Newsの報道:『前CIA情報分析官Larry Johnsonが英国のスパイと連絡を取っていた。英国のスパイは2016年のトランプ選対をスパイしていたオバマ政権のスパイを支援していたのである』驚くべき事態だ!真実が明らかになるのは時間の問題だ!真実が明らかになれば疑いが晴れる!

4-24  Thanks Rush! @FoxNews

FOXニュースのRush Limbaughの発言に感謝!

You mean the Stock Market hit an all-time record high today and they’re actually talking impeachment!? Will I ever be given credit for anything by the Fake News Media or Radical Liberal Dems? NO COLLUSION!


Great meeting this afternoon at the @WhiteHouse with @Jack from @Twitter. Lots of subjects discussed regarding their platform, and the world of social media in general. Look forward to keeping an open dialogue!

ホワイトハウス大統領執務室でTwitterのJack Dorsey CEOとツイッターの仕組みやソーシャルメディアの世界のことを含め多くのことについて面談した。今後も開かれた会話を続けたい。

I will be in Green Bay, Wisconsin this Saturday, April 27th at the Resch Center — 7:00pm (CDT). Big crowd expected! #MAGA

4月27日(土)中部時間午後7時、私はウイスコンシン州Green BayのReschセンターに行く。大群衆が見込まれる!MAGA

Great golf champion & friend, Ernie Els (@TheBig_Easy), has done a tremendous job in assisting those w/ Autism through his Els for Autism Fdn, focusing on Education, Research, Global Outreach, Recreation Services, Therapy Services, & Adult Services. #NationalAutismAwarenessMonth

ゴルフチャンピオンで私の友人のErnie Els君は自閉症の人たちを支援するEls財団によって立派な支援活動を続けている。その範囲は、教育、研究、グローバルな連帯、レクリエーションとセラピーと成人に対するサービス活動など広範囲に及んでいる。

Great interview by Jared. Nice to have extraordinarily smart people serving our Country!

タイム誌によるJared Kushnerのインタビューは素晴らしい。格別に聡明な人材が国のために働いている!

LIVE: Jared Kushner interviewed at the #TIME100 Summit(タイム誌の100年記念特別インタビューに出演)



The Wall is being rapidly built! The Economy is GREAT! Our Country is Respected again!


“The best thing ever to happen to Twitter is Donald Trump.” @MariaBartiromo So true, but they don’t treat me well as a Republican. Very discriminatory, hard for people to sign on. Constantly taking people off list. Big complaints from many people. Different names-over 100 M. But should be much higher than that if Twitter wasn’t playing their political games. No wonder Congress wants to get involved - and they should. Must be more, and fairer, companies to get out the WORD!

以下はMaria Bartiromoの発言:『ツイッターがはじまって以来、トランプツイッターは最高の出来である』 私もそう思う。だが世間は私を共和党員と看做していない。酷い差別だ。閲覧に障壁を設け、除外しているので、苦情が多く寄せられている。・・・

“Harley Davidson has struggled with Tariffs with the EU, currently paying 31%. They’ve had to move production overseas to try and offset some of that Tariff that they’ve been hit with which will rise to 66% in June of 2021.” @MariaBartiromo So unfair to U.S. We will Reciprocate!

以下はMaria Bartiromoの発言:『(オートバイメーカーの)Harley Davidsonは現在31%のEUの関税と闘っている。2021年6月に66%へ引き上げられる関税に対応するために海外生産を検討中である』アメリカにとって酷すぎる。相互主義を検討する!

Sorry to say but @foxandfriends is by far the best of the morning political shows on television. It rightfully has BY FAR the highest ratings, not even close. Morning Psycho (Joe), who helped get me elected in 2016 by having me on (free) all the time, has nosedived, too Angry. Dumb and Sick. A really bad show with low ratings - and will only get worse. CNN has been a proven and long term ratings and beyond disaster. In fact, it rewarded Chris Cuomo with a now unsuccessful prime time slot, despite his massive failure in the morning. Only on CNN!


In the “old days” if you were President and you had a good economy, you were basically immune from criticism. Remember, “It’s the economy stupid.” Today I have, as President, perhaps the greatest economy in history...and to the Mainstream Media, it means NOTHING. But it will!


The Radical Left Democrats, together with their leaders in the Fake News Media, have gone totally insane! I guess that means that the Republican agenda is working. Stay tuned for more!


I will be going to Green Bay, Wisconsin, for a really big Rally on Saturday Evening. Big crowd expected, much to talk about. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

27日(土)に(ホワイトハウス記者クラブのディナーパーティーを欠席して)ウイスコンシン州Green Bayで行われる選挙集会に行く。大観衆が見込まれる。話すことが一杯ある。メイクアメリカグレイトアゲン!

I wonder if the New York Times will apologize to me a second time, as they did after the 2016 Election. But this one will have to be a far bigger & better apology. On this one they will have to get down on their knees & beg for forgiveness-they are truly the Enemy of the People!


4-23   Paul Krugman, of the Fake News New York Times, has lost all credibility, as has the Times itself, with his false and highly inaccurate writings on me. He is obsessed with hatred, just as others are obsessed with how stupid he is. He said Market would crash, Only Record Highs!

(2008年にノーベル経済学賞を受賞した)Paul Krugmanが4月22日のニューヨークタイムスに(『偉大なる共和党の退場』―アメリカの価値観を信じなくなった政党―を)寄稿した。ニューヨークタイムスがそうであるごとく、これによってすべての信用を失墜した。その内容は事実と異なり、完全に正確性を欠いている。本人は多くの人と同様私に対する憎悪の念にとらわれており、如何に自分がばかげているかを暴露した。株式市場は暴落すると語っている。新高値をつけたばかりである!



Sen. Marsha Blackburn‏認証済みアカウント @MarshaBlackburn 4月16日

Here’s what #TaxReform has brought to our country: ①3.2 million new jobs ②A bigger paycheck for ~90% of taxpayers ③Lowest jobless claims in 50 years

Sen. Marsha Blackburn 4月16日をリツイート:税制改革の成果:①320万の雇用創出、②納税者の90%に税還付、③失業保険給付申請数50年来の最低。

Created under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, Opportunity Zones help lift low income Americans out of poverty by encouraging local investment in communities that have faced economic hardship.

Sen. Kevin Cramer 4月17日をリツイート:減税と雇用法の下で生み出された現実、経済的行き詰まりに直面していた地域社会への投資奨励による低所得者の貧困からの脱却。

Last year, @SenatorTimScott and I toured #OpportunityZones in Huntington and saw the incredible potential in these designated areas. You can learn more here: https://bit.ly/2Pmcml9 

Shelley Moore Capito‏ 4月17日をリツイート:Huntington市のオポチュニティーゾーンから学ぶことが一杯ある。参照:https://bit.ly/2Pmcml9 

“In the heartland, they want legislating, not investigating.” -@kayleighmcenany

共和党をリツイート:2020年トランプ選挙活動広報Kayleigh Mcenany女史の41秒の動画。マスコミのメルトダウンという表現が出ている。

Another wonderful Easter Egg roll! @POTUS and I enjoyed meeting everyone! Thank you to the many volunteers and vendors who worked so hard to help keep this @WhiteHouse tradition alive!! #EasterEggRoll2019

Merania Trumpをリツイート:ホワイトハウスのイースター行事

The 2019 Easter Egg Roll is almost here!


What I have accumulated here is absolutely shocking upon the realization that #Mueller's disreputable, twisted history speaks to the character of the man placed in a position to attempt to legalize a coup against a lawfully-elected President. DOWNLOAD:

Louie Gohmert‏2018年4月25日をリツイート:私がこれまで収集してきた事実は、Mueller特別検察官の歩んだ鬱屈した人生が法に従って正当に選ばれた大統領に対するクーデターを合法化する役割を与えられた人物の人格に反映されていることを示しており、ショッキングである。

Absolutely devastating to see the news out of Sri Lanka this morning. These were Christians targeted simply for practicing their faith on Easter. Please pray for the community there, especially the victims, that Christ would provide His peace to those who are hurting.

Mark Meadows‏ 4月21日をリツイート:スリランカのテロは復活祭の礼拝に出るキリスト教徒の信仰心を標的にした。その社会と犠牲者のために祈って欲しい。キリストは襲撃者にもキリストの平和をもたらすことを加えて祈って頂きたい。

Think about this: we had a President under a constant 2 year investigation for a fabricated collusion conspiracy, and yet America is still seeing a record economy, +3% growth, a soaring job market, and the lowest unemployment in half a century. @realDonaldTrump delivering anyway.

Mark Meadows‏をリツイート:次のことを確認して欲しい。われわれは、大統領が2年に亘ってためにする癒着の疑惑を受け続けながら経済の新記録を達成し、3%の経済成長、雇用の絶好調、半世紀ぶりの低失業率を実現したことを!

“Rep. Jim Jordan on plans to investigate the origins of the Russia collusion investigation”

共和党下院議員Rep. Jim Jordan‏ 4月20日をリツイート:ロシア癒着捜査の原点を解明する計画についての見解。

Dems holding a conference call today to discuss their next moves now that Mueller announced no collusion and no obstruction. SPOILER: They're going to keep focusing on stopping the President, not helping the country.

Rep. Jim Jordan‏ をリツイート:民主党はMueller報告が癒着なし、司法妨害なしを結論付けた後の対応を協議する会議を招集した。民主党は大統領を妨害することしか考えず、国のためを考えていない。

Days since @RepCummings promised accountability for #MichaelCohen’s lies: 54

Oversight Committee Republicans‏をリツイート:

Carter Page: Mueller Report Shows He's Mr. Clean | National Review

Devin Nunes‏ 4月20日をリツイート:Mueller報告はCarter Pageを潔白そのものとした。

Victor Davis Hanson: Mueller Probe Could Backfire on Those Who Fabricated Russia-Collusion Narrative - YouTube

Devin Nunes‏ 4月21日をリツイート:ロシア疑惑をでっち上げた人間をあぶり出す可能性がある。

Byron York: For some Dems, breaking up with dossier is hard to do ⁦@ByronYork⁩

Devin Nuneをリツイート:

COUP: @RealDonaldTrump was right -- Mueller witchhunt part of #Spygate abuse begun by Obama DOJ/FBI, working with Hillary Clinton/DNC, to illegally target Trump. Mueller Report designed to provide grist for fraudulent impeachment investigation.

Tom Fitton‏をリツイート:トランプ大統領転覆計画が実在した。スパイゲートはオバマ政権の司法省とFBIがクリントン選対と民主党全国委員会と結託して違法にトランプを狙ったもので、Mueller報告は弾劾審査の材料を発掘すべく計画されたものである。

COUP UPDATE: Who needs to be investigated on #Spygate and other abuses targeting @RealDonaldTrump? Partial list: Obama Biden Susan Rice Hillary Clinton DNC Brennan Clapper Comey McCabe Lynch Page Strzok Yates

Tom Fitton‏をリツイート:スパイゲートで捜査されねばならない人物のリスト:オバマ大統領、バイデン副大統領、スーザンライス国連大使、ヒラリークリントン、民主党全国委員会、ブレナンCIA長官、クラッパー、マケーブ、リンチ、ページ、ストツオク、エーツ。

Woodward: Investigate FBICIA Handling of 'Garbage' Dossier...

Drudge Report Feed‏ をリツイート:FBI、CIAを捜査。 

UNPRECEDENTED Spying Campaign on @RealDonaldTrump: DOJ/FBI/NSA/CIA/State -- "all hands on deck" in Obama administration's going after Trump and then the corrupt targeting morphed into Mueller operation....

Tom Fitton‏をリツイート:トランプ大統領に対する想定し得なかったスパイ活動:大統領選挙でトランプ候補に先を越され、Mueller捜査に密かな標的を定めたオバマ政権の司法省/FBI/National Securiry Agency/CIA/国務省が総員甲板に集合した。

President @realDonaldTrump Should File a Criminal Complaint with DOJ over Illicit Targeting - @JudicialWatch

Tom Fitton‏をリツイート:大統領はスパイ活動の違法な目標を設定した司法省を訴訟すべきである。

Mueller report full of gossip targeting @realDonaldTrump.

Tom Fitton‏をリツイート:Mueller報告は焦点を絞り込んだトランプ大統領のゴシップで溢れている。

COUP Update: Mueller Report vindicates @RealDonaldTrump even as it tries to smear him PLUS new @JudicialWatch lawsuits on FBI-Clinton collusion against Trump, FBI payments to Steele, and John Kerry's collusion with Iran. https://youtu.be/h6gFTYtU-nQ 

Tom Fitton 4月19日をリツイート:Mueller報告はトランプ大統領の疑惑を晴らしたが、トランプに対抗するためのFBIとヒラリー陣営の癒着、怪文書の作者に対するFBIによる対価の支払い、オバマ政権のケリー国務長官による対イラン癒着に関わるJudicial Watchによる提訴を可能にした。

Joe Biden has been losing presidential elections since the 1980s. 2020 will be no different. Biden will have to answer for all the Obama-Biden failures – from Russian meddling to the weakest recovery since the Great Depression.

Ronna McDaniel‏をリツイート:オバマ政権のバイデン副大統領は1980年代から予備選挙で敗北している。2020年も変わるところがないであろう。Bidenが立候補する場合、ロシアの干渉から1990年代の景気後退以来最低の経済回復に至るまでオバマ/バイデンの失政について明確に説明しなければならない。

Rep. Ratcliffe: Mueller report proves Donald Trump was telling the truth about collusion http://ow.ly/kWsS30ouFVK  @SundayFutures @FoxNews

Maria Bartiromo‏ 4月21日をリツイート:テキサス州選出John Ratcliffe共和党下院議員の発言:Mueller報告は大統領が真実を語っていたことを明らかにした。

This should NEVER happen to another President AGAIN!


Just spoke to @LouDobbs. Will be doing a very interesting show tonight at 7:00 P.M. Eastern on @FoxBusiness!

Lou Dobbs氏と話した。今夜東部時間午後7時のTVインタユーが待たれる!

Today, @FLOTUS Melania and I are honored to host the 2019 @WhiteHouse Easter Egg Roll!


Isn’t it amazing that the people who were closest to me, by far, and knew the Campaign better than anyone, were never even called to testify before Mueller. The reason is that the 18 Angry Democrats knew they would all say ‘NO COLLUSION’ and only very good things!


“A very exculpatory section of the Mueller Report: NO CONSPIRACY, COORDINATION or COLLUSION with the Trump Campaign and the Russians. You can’t be more clear than that!” @GreggJarrett

以下はGregg Jarretの発言:『Mueller報告の結論部分で、トランプ選対とロシアとの共謀、調整、癒着はなかったとした。これ以上明確な結論を求めることは出来ない』

“The Obama Administration did not do itself proud in this.” @ByronYork

以下はByron Yorkの発言:『オバマ政権はロシアからの介入に対し自慢できるような対応をしなかった。


Lou Dobbsによると、南国境は危機的状況にある!

Spoke to the Prime Minister of Italy, Giuseppe Conte, mostly concerning Immigration, Taxes, Trade, and the Economy of both of our countries. Very good call!

イタリアのGiuseppe Conte首相と両国の移民問題、税金、通商と経済について電話で話し合った。素晴らしい電話だった!

Spoke to Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe of Sri Lanka this morning to inform him that the United States stands by him and his country in the fight against terrorism. Also expressed condolences on behalf of myself and the People of the United States!

今朝スリランカのRanil Wickremesinghe首相に電話し、アメリカ合衆国は首相とスリランカ国民と共にテロと戦うと伝えた。私とアメリカ国民からの哀悼の意を伝えた!

How do you impeach a Republican President for a crime that was committed by the Democrats? MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!


My friend Herman Cain, a truly wonderful man, has asked me not to nominate him for a seat on the Federal Reserve Board. I will respect his wishes. Herman is a great American who truly loves our Country!

友人のHerman Cainは素晴らしい人物で、私に連邦準備制度理事会の理事に指名しないで欲しいと伝えてきた。希望に沿う積もりだ。真にこの国を愛している偉大なアメリカ人だ!



Thank you @MarkLevinShow! #MAGA

FOXニュースのMark Levinショーに感謝。


Only high crimes and misdemeanors can lead to impeachment. There were no crimes by me (No Collusion, No Obstruction), so you can’t impeach. It was the Democrats that committed the crimes, not your Republican President! Tables are finally turning on the Witch Hunt!


Saudi Arabia and others in OPEC will more than make up the Oil Flow difference in our now Full Sanctions on Iranian Oil. Iran is being given VERY BAD advice by @JohnKerry and people who helped him lead the U.S. into the very bad Iran Nuclear Deal. Big violation of Logan Act?


4-22   So true - thanks @SteveHiltonx @NextRevFNC!

Steve Hiltonxに感謝。全く市の通りだ!


How do you impeach a Republican President for a crime that was committed by the Democrats? MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!


Can you believe that I had to go through the worst and most corrupt political Witch Hunt in the history of the United States (No Collusion) when it was the “other side” that illegally created the diversionary & criminal event and even spied on my campaign? Disgraceful!


Jobless claims in the United States have reached their lowest (BEST) level in over 50 years!


If @MittRomney spent the same energy fighting Barack Obama as he does fighting Donald Trump, he could have won the race (maybe)!

Mitt Romneyユタ州選出共和党乗員銀は(2012年に共和党大統領候補になり)2016年の予備選挙でトランプと闘ったのと同様に激しくオバマ大統領と闘っていたならばおそらく選挙に勝利したであろう)

Despite No Collusion, No Obstruction, The Radical Left Democrats do not want to go on to Legislate for the good of the people, but only to Investigate and waste time. This is costing our Country greatly, and will cost the Dems big time in 2020!


The Trump Haters and Angry Democrats who wrote the Mueller Report were devastated by the No Collusion finding! Nothing but a total “hit job” which should never have been allowed to start in the first place!


Do you believe this? The New York Times Op-Ed: MEDIA AND DEMOCRATS OWE TRUMP AN APOLOGY. Well, they got that one right!


138 people have been killed in Sri Lanka, with more that 600 badly injured, in a terrorist attack on churches and hotels. The United States offers heartfelt condolences to the great people of Sri Lanka. We stand ready to help!


Happy Easter! I have never been happier or more content because your Country is doing so well, with an Economy that is the talk of the World and may be stronger than it has ever been before. Have a great day!


Lotta stuff in the report. From @SecretsBedard: Kushner cleared of seeking Russian money to pay real estate debt.

Byron York‏をリツイート:Ivannka Trumpの夫の Jared Kushnerが不動産への銀行融資返済のためにロシア資金を探していたとの疑惑は解消した。

以下はByron Yorkの引用:The newly released Mueller report found no evidence that President Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner received Russian funding to cover a troubled New York City real estate loan, a press scandal that has dogged the top presidential advisor despite his denials.(全員が公表されたMueller報告の中で、Jared Kushner大統領顧問本人が否定していたニューヨークの不動産への12億ドルの銀行融資の返済資金をロシアから融資されていたとの疑惑を裏付ける証拠はなかったことを明らかにした。)

Prior Reporting Confirmed That Some FBI Agents Were FED UP With Comey

Sean Hannityをリツイート:前に出されていた報告の中で、FBIのスパイはコーミーに愛想を尽かしていた由。

Thank you @JesseBWatters and @DBongino!

4-21   Janie Pirroのオープニングメッセージ

This is ridiculous. AG Barr gives Democrats unprecedented accommodations, and they refuse them hours after Chairman Nadler subpoenas those same answers. They’ve had 30 hours with the #MuellerReport and realize the more information they actually get, the more 

Rep. Doug Collins‏をリツイート:ジョージア州選出Dough Collins共和党下院議員の発言:奇妙なことが起こった。Burr司法長官が民主党に対して予期していなかった対応を示したのだが、Nadlerがこれを拒否するに及んでこれを拒絶した。民主党は30時間を費やしてMueller報告を精査し、読めば読むほどその内容が厳しいことを悟ったのである。

Good night of television! 8:00 PM @WattersWorld 9:00 PM @JudgeJeanine with interview of @RudyGiuliani followed by Greg G. Honest commentary is always nice!


#DrainTheSwamp - @GreggJarrett: No one takes anything Schiff says seriously because he lost all credibility. For 2 years he claimed there was a mound of criminal evidence. Where is it? Show us… because it doesn’t exist. #MAGA #AmericaFirst #Dobbs

Lou Dobbsをリツイート:以下はDrain The Swamp(政界の汚泥一掃)とGregg Jarretの見解:誰もカリフォルニア州選出Schiff下院議員の発言を気にかけていない。本人は信用を完全に失墜しているからだ。この2年間、本人は犯罪の証拠が山ほどあるといい続けてきた。どこにあるというのか。われわれに開示せよ。そんなのはありはしないのだ。

The end result of the greatest Witch Hunt in U.S. political history is No Collusion with Russia (and No Obstruction). Pretty Amazing!





United States weekly jobless claims just hit a 50 year low. The economy is doing GREAT!


The Fake News Media is doing everything possible to stir up and anger the pols and as many people as possible seldom mentioning the fact that the Mueller Report had as its principle conclusion the fact that there was NO COLLUSION WITH RUSSIA. The Russia Hoax is dead!


4-20   Despite the fact that the Mueller Report should not have been authorized in the first place & was written as nastily as possible by 13 (18) Angry Democrats who were true Trump Haters, including highly conflicted Bob Mueller himself, the end result is No Collusion, No Obstruction!


Wishing a Happy Passover to all those celebrating in America, Israel, and around the world!



FOXニュースの29分9秒のSean Hannityの映像:トランプ大統領は完全に無実を証明された。

Mueller’s Final Report ‘Completely Vindicates’ President Trump

Sean Hannityをリツイート:Mueller特別検察官の報告は完全にトランプ大統領の疑惑を晴らした。

More on the phony collusion scam

Mark R. Levinをリツイート:馬鹿げた疑惑騒ぎからまだ多くの問題が出てくる。

“You have guys that come through here that do this for a living…they bring groups across, they bring drugs across.” Sheriff Mark Lamb from @PinalCSO showed us today how illegal immigrants and smugglers travel through the Arizona desert. @RepAndyBiggsAZ @sherifflamb1

フロリダ州選出共和党Matt Gaetz下院議員をリツイート:『多くの仲間を呼び込み、麻薬を持ち込んで生計を立てる連中が国境を越えてここにいる』 アリゾナ州PinalカウンティーのMark Lamb保安官がアリゾナ砂漠から不法入国して来る密輸業者の実態を説明した。

.@RepMarkMeadows It's a good day for America and it's a good day for the President

Neil Cavuto‏をリツイート:アメリカにとって、大統領にとってよき1日である。

Time for Democrats to accept reality


This is why nobody but the @DNC circle jerk takes this seriously anymore. That front page is a disgrace but in its disgrace, many wake up. Thank God for @realDonaldTrump for waking millions of Americans up to the truth about the @washingtonpost

Scott Atkinsをリツイート:この問題を深刻に受け止めているのは民主党全国委員会の一部だけという理由がこれである。この第1面の記事は不名誉な内容だが、多くの人が真実に目覚める。トランプ大統領がワシントンポストについての真実をアメリカ国民に知らしめてくれたことを神に感謝する。

The Washington Post and New York Times are, in my opinion, two of the most dishonest media outlets around. Truly, the Enemy of the People!


JWPrez @TomFitton Mueller Report Confirms Russia Hoax, NEW Deep State Lawsuit, John Kerry Colluding w/ Iran?

Judicial Watch をリツイート:Judicial Watch(法と正義の番人)の社長は、Mueller報告は、ロシア疑惑の虚構、政権内反政府政府活動分子の存在、オバマ政権のケリー国務長官のイラン癒着を裏付けた。

Statements are made about me by certain people in the Crazy Mueller Report, in itself written by 18 Angry Democrat Trump Haters, which are fabricated & totally untrue. Watch out for people that take so-called “notes,” when the notes never existed until needed. Because I never agreed to testify, it was not necessary for me to respond to statements made in the “Report” about me, some of which are total bullshit & only given to make the other person look good (or me to look bad). This was an Illegally Started Hoax that never should have happened, a big, fat, waste of time, energy and money - $30,000,000 to be exact. It is now finally time to turn the tables and bring justice to some very sick and dangerous people who have committed very serious crimes, perhaps even Spying or Treason. This should never happen again!


Kimberley Strassel should get the Pulitzer. She is a treasure (and I don’t know her) who correctly called the Russia Hoax right from the start! Others who were soooo wrong will get the Prize. Fake News! 

https://twitter.com/kimstrassel/status/1119039985431113728 …

(1972年生まれのウオールストリートジャーナルの論説陣の1人の)Kimberley Strassel女史はピューリッアー賞を受賞すべきである。面識はないが至宝である。ことのはじまった当初から正確にロシア疑惑をでっち上げと呼んでいた。酷い誤報を続けた記者がピューリッアー賞受賞を報道されている。偽ニュースである。

“The Mueller Report is perhaps the single most humiliating thing that has ever happened to the White House Press in the history of this Country. They know they lied...Many reporters lied about Russia Collusion and so much more. Clapper & Brennan, all lies” @TuckerCarlson

以下はTucker Carlsonの見解:『Mueller報告はアメリカの歴史にかつてなかったホワイトハウス記者団の最大の屈辱である。記者団は嘘を報道していたことを自認している。多くの記者はロシア疑惑その他について嘘を報道した。ClapperやBrennanもすべて嘘をついていたのだ』

4-19   “If dozens of Federal prosecutors spent two years trying to charge you with a crime, and found they couldn’t, it would mean there wasn’t any evidence you did it - and that’s what happened here - that’s what we just learned from the Mueller Report.” @TuckerCarlson

以下はTucker Carlsonの見解:『数十人もの連邦検察官が2年もの歳月をかけて犯罪事実を調査し、起訴しようとしたが犯罪事実を立証できなかったことは、大統領が犯罪を犯していなかったということである。今その事実が明らかになった。われわれがMueller報告から学んだことである。・

Anything the Russians did concerning the 2016 Election was done while Obama was President. He was told about it and did nothing! Most importantly, the vote was not affected.


It was a really great day for America! A special evening tonight on @TuckerCarlson, @seanhannity & @IngrahamAngle Will be very interesting!

アメリカにとって実によき日であった!Tucker Carlson、Sean Hannity、Ingraham AngleのTV番組は大変面白い!

“Donald Trump was being framed, he fought back. That is not Obstruction.” @JesseBWatters I had the right to end the whole Witch Hunt if I wanted. I could have fired everyone, including Mueller, if I wanted. I chose not to. I had the RIGHT to use Executive Privilege. I didn’t!

以下はJesse B. Wattersの発言:『ドナルドトランプは罠にはめられ、闘った。それは司法妨害ではない』 私は魔女狩りを終わらせようと思えば終わらせることが出来た。私はMueller特別検察官を含め全員を解任しようと思えば解任することが出来た。だが私はそうしなかった。私は大統領として特別権限を与えられていた。その権限も行使しなかった!

Today, I was thrilled to host the @WWP Soldier Ride once again at the @WhiteHouse. We were all deeply honored to be in the presence of TRUE AMERICAN HEROES....


As I have been saying all along, NO COLLUSION - NO OBSTRUCTION!


No Collusion - No Obstruction!


Attorney General William Barr’s Press Conference today at 9:30 AM ET. Watch on @FoxNews @OANN

本日、午前9時半のBarr司法長官の記者会見がある。FOXニュースとOANN(One America News Network)で中継される。

Nadler (2019) vs. Nadler (1998)

Dan Scavinoをリツイート:ニューヨーク州選出Jerrold Nadler下院議員の1998年の発言と2019年の発言は真逆だ!

On "Hannity", @seanhannity discussed some key findings from Judicial Watch in regards to the Clinton cover-up: "We are finding out even more devastating information about how the deep state protected Hillary Clinton before turning their forces against @realDonaldTrump ."

Juducial Watchをリツイート:Sean HannityがJudicial Watchの報告からクリントン擁護の事実を指摘し、『ディープステート(政府機構内に巣食った反政府勢力)が反トランプに焦点を絞る前の段階で如何にHillary Clintonを擁護する活動を繰り広げていたかを示す驚嘆すべき情報に接している』と述べている。

Judicial Watch announced it received 756 pages of newly uncovered emails that were among the materials former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton tried to delete or destroy, several of which were classified.

Juducial Watchをリツイート:Judicial Watchは756ページに及ぶ電子メールを入手したことを明らかにした。このメールは前国務長官のヒラリークリントンが消去または抹消したもので、その中に秘密文書が含まれている。

JW announced that it uncovered 422 pages of FBI documents showing evidence of “cover up” discussions related to the Clinton email system within Platte River Networks, one of the vendors who managed the Clinton email system.

Juducial Watchをリツイート:FBIは422ページの文書を発表し、クリントン前国務長官の電子メールを扱っていたPlatte River Networksのシステムから隠蔽工作を示す証拠を明らかにした。

JW President @TomFitton appeared on “Fox and Friends First” to discuss AG Bill Barr’s testimony and Spygate: They know it’s spying. This is a joint operation between the DNC, the Clinton campaign, the FBI, and DOJ to target President @realDonaldTrump . http://jwatch.us/J67gzV 

Juducial Watchをリツイート:Juducial WatchのTom Fitton社長はFOXニュースに出演し、バー司法長官の記者発表とスパイゲート事件について討論した。本件は民主党全国委員会、クリントン選対、FBI、CIAおよび司法省によるトランプ選対に対する共同スパイ行為である。

JW President @TomFitton discusses Clinton’s memo: "She signed a memo saying ‘due to recent targeting of personal email accounts by online adversaries, State employees should avoid conducting official department business from personal accounts’ while she used personal accounts.”

Juducial Watchをリツイート:Tom Fitton社長はヒラリークリントンのメモに言及し『個人の電子メールアドレスに対する攻撃が起こっており、国務省職員は個人メールを公務に使用しないようにという通達にサインしていた』ことを明らかにした。

BREAKING: JW announced today that it filed a FOIA lawsuit against the DOJ for records of communications and payments between the FBI & former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele and his private firm, Orbis Business Intelligence (1/3).

Juducial Watchをリツイート:本日、当社は情報自由法に基づき司法省を提訴し、FBIと元英国情報局職員のChristopher Steeleとその法人に間に交わされた通信と金銭の授受の記録提出を求めた。



The Greatest Political Hoax of all time! Crimes were committed by Crooked, Dirty Cops and DNC/The Democrats.



The Greatest Political Hoax of all time! Crimes were committed by Crooked, Dirty Cops and DNC/The Democrats.


4-18    Nolte: Poll Shows Media Failed to Gaslight Public About Trump Campaign Spying http://bit.ly/2VRXs8K  via @BreitbartNews


The poll from the far-left Politico and Morning Consult shows that nearly four in ten voters (38 percent) said they believe spying occurred, while only 28 percent said there was no spying.(最左翼のPoliticoの世論調査は38%がスパイ行為が行われたと回答。スパイ行為がなかったとの回答は28%にとどまった。)

Today, we’re officially launching our re-election campaign. Check out our first video below and visit our new website here: http://teammitch.com  #KYSen

本日、大統領再選を目差す選挙活動を公的に開始する。わが陣営のビデオ第1号と次のホームページを見てもらいたい。参照:http://teammitch.com  #KYSen

LIVE NOW: President Trump at the White House Opportunity Zones Conference


Just had a wonderful conversation with @Pontifex Francis offering condolences from the People of the United States for the horrible and destructive fire at Notre Dame Cathedral. I offered the help of our great experts on renovation and construction as I did in my conversation yesterday with President @EmmanuelMacron of France. I also wished both Pope Francis and President Macron a very Happy Easter!


Democrats in Congress must return from their Vacations and change the Immigration Laws, or the Border, despite the great job being done by Border Patrol, will only get worse. Big sections of Wall now being built!


Wow! FBI made 11 payments to Fake Dossier’s discredited author, Trump hater Christopher Steele. @OANN @JudicialWatch The Witch Hunt has been a total fraud on your President and the American people! It was brought to you by Dirty Cops, Crooked Hillary and the DNC.

 以下はOne American NewsとJudicial Watchの情報:『FBIが11回に亘ってトランプ嫌いで全く信用されていない偽怪文書の作者である英国人スパイのChristpher Steeleに資金を供与していた。魔女狩りはアメリカ大統領とアメリカ国民に対する完全な欺瞞行為であった。その資金は腐敗した集団とヒラリークリントンと民主党全国委員会から提供されていた』

It is miraculous that Trump not only beat the Bush dynasty, 16 Republicans, the FBI, the media, voter fraud cheaters, the political class, Clinton dynasty, the Obamas, the elites in BOTH parties, but he also beat tech companies that used their platforms to try and beat him

Charlie Kirk 413をリツイート:


I believe it will be Crazy Bernie Sanders vs. Sleepy Joe Biden as the two finalists to run against maybe the best Economy in the history of our Country (and MANY other great things)! I look forward to facing whoever it may be. May God Rest Their Soul!

(民主党大統領候補の最後の2人と想定される)Bernie Sandersと退屈男のJoe Bidenが史上最高の経済実績その他の実績を背景としている私との選挙に立候補するのは狂気の沙汰である。私は誰が出てくるにせよ対決を楽しみにしている。神が対立候補の魂に憩われることを!

Bernie Sanders and wife should pay the Pre-Trump Taxes on their almost $600,000 in income. He is always complaining about these big TAX CUTS, except when it benefits him. They made a fortune off of Trump, but so did everyone else - and that’s a good thing, not a bad thing!

Bernie Sandersと妻は60万ドルの所得に対してトランプ減税以前の税率で所得税を納付するがよい。自分に都合がよいときは黙っているが、大幅減税にたいして文句ばかり言っているのだ。トランプ減税で金儲けをしている。みんなそうだろうがよいことで、悪いことではないのだ!

4-17    Many Trump Fans & Signs were outside of the @FoxNews Studio last night in the now thriving (Thank you President Trump) Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, for the interview with Crazy Bernie Sanders. Big complaints about not being let in-stuffed with Bernie supporters. What’s with @FoxNews?

昨夜、トランプ選挙集会のおかげで賑わっているペンシルバニア州Bethlehemで、多くのトランプ支持者がFOXニュースのBernie Sandersとのインタビュー会場に入れなかった。 Sanders支援者とすし詰めになっても会場に入りたかったとのクレームが聞かれた。FOXニュースの意見や如何。

Just signed a critical bill to formalize drought contingency plans for the Colorado River. Thanks to @SenMcSallyAZ for getting it done. Big deal for Arizona!


No Collusion - No Obstruction!



I will be in Green Bay, Wisconsin on Saturday, April 27th at the Resch Center — 7:00pm (CDT). Big crowd expected! #MAGA

4月27日午後7時、ウイスコンシン州Green BayのReschの選挙集会に行く。満員の予想。アメリカを再び偉大な国にしよう!

So weird to watch Crazy Bernie on @FoxNews. Not surprisingly, @BretBaier and the “audience” was so smiley and nice. Very strange, and now we have @donnabrazile?

FOXニュースでサンダースの狂ったような映像を見た。不気味だった。Bret Baierキャスターと『聴衆』は笑顔で対応していた。奇妙だ。(大統領選挙を取り仕切った初のアフリカ系アメリカ人女性の)Donnna Brazileが出てくるのか?

No Collusion - No Obstruction!


4-16    A must read, Andy McCarthy’s column today, “Dirty dealings of dirt devils who concocted Trump-Russia probe.” The greatest Scam in political history. If the Mainstream Media were honest, which they are not, this story would be bigger and more important than Watergate. Someday!

以下の本日のAndy McCarthyのコラムは必読:『トランプロシア疑惑をでっち上げた腐敗した悪魔による腐敗した活動』。政治史上最大の虚構。主流メディアが社会の木鐸の役割を果たしていたならば、今回の一連の騒動はウオーターゲート事件をはるかに上回る後世に残る重要事件となったであろう!

God bless the people of France!


The forgotten voters of the 2016 Election are now doing great. The Steel Industry is rebuilding and expanding at a pace that it hasn’t seen in decades. Our Country has one of the best Economies in many years, perhaps ever. Unemployment numbers best in 51 years. Wow!


So horrible to watch the massive fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. Perhaps flying water tankers could be used to put it out. Must act quickly!


Spoke to @TigerWoods to congratulate him on the great victory he had in yesterday’s @TheMasters, & to inform him that because of his incredible Success & Comeback in Sports (Golf) and, more importantly, LIFE, I will be presenting him with the PRESIDENTIAL MEDAL OF FREEDOM!


Heading to the Great State of Minnesota!


The Mueller Report, which was written by 18 Angry Democrats who also happen to be Trump Haters (and Clinton Supporters), should have focused on the people who SPIED on my 2016 Campaign, and others who fabricated the whole Russia Hoax. That is, never forget, the crime. Since there was no Collusion, why was there an Investigation in the first place! Answer - Dirty Cops, Dems and Crooked Hillary!


Those Illegal Immigrants who can no longer be legally held (Congress must fix the laws and loopholes) will be, subject to Homeland Security, given to Sanctuary Cities and States!


Mark Morgan, President Obama’s Border Patrol Chief, gave the following message to me: “President Trump, stay the course.” I agree, and believe it or not, we are making great progress with a system that has been broken for many years!

オバマ政権で国境警備隊隊長を務めたMark Morgan氏は私に次のようなメッセージを送ってきた。『大統領は方針を堅持されたい』 その通りだ。信じようと信じまいと自由だが、われわれは長年に亘って機能していなかった制度を大いに進歩させた!

I finally agree with @Cher!


Cherを引用:I Understand Helping struggling immigrants, but MY CITY(Los Angels) ISNT TAKING CARE OF ITS OWN. WHAT ABOUT THE 50,000+US Citizens WHO LIVE ON THE STREETS. PPL WHO LIVE BELOW POVERTY LINE, & HUNGRY? If My State Can’t Take Care of Its Own(Many Are VETS) How Can it Take Care Of More(苦労している移民を助けるのはよくわかるが、私が住んでいるロサンゼルス市は市民をほったらかしにしている。路上生活をしている5万人を超えるアメリカの市民が問題なのに。貧困ライン以下の生活で空腹を抱えている人をどうすべきなのか?カリフォルニア州が州の住民(その多くは退役軍人なのだが)の面倒を見られないのならどうして移民の面倒がみられるというのか)

The Radical Left Democrats will never be satisfied with anything we give them. They will always Resist and Obstruct!


THEY SPIED ON MY CAMPAIGN (We will never forget)!


Before Nancy, who has lost all control of Congress and is getting nothing done, decides to defend her leader, Rep. Omar, she should look at the anti-Semitic, anti-Israel and ungrateful U.S. HATE statements Omar has made. She is out of control, except for her control of Nancy!


Congress should come back to D.C. now and FIX THE IMMIGRATION LAWS


Mueller, and the A.G. based on Mueller findings (and great intelligence), have already ruled No Collusion, No Obstruction. These were crimes committed by Crooked Hillary, the DNC, Dirty Cops and others! INVESTIGATE THE INVESTIGATORS!


What do I know about branding, maybe nothing (but I did become President!), but if I were Boeing, I would FIX the Boeing 737 MAX, add some additional great features, & REBRAND the plane with a new name. No product has suffered like this one. But again, what the hell do I know?

.@SteveHiltonx “This is President Trump trying to deliver on his promises while the bureaucratic machine fights his agenda. He needs populist allies. These changes are not chaos, but rather progress. All this is President Trump at his absolute best.” Thank you Steve!

以下は(英国のコメンテーター)Steve Hiltonxの発言:『これがトランプ大統領の公約の内容なのだが、行政機構が抵抗している。大統領はポピュリストグループの支援を必要としている。このような現実は混乱というに値しない。むしろ進歩だ。大統領はベストを尽くしているのだ』 ありがとう!

4-15   Such a “puff piece” on Nancy Pelosi by @60minutes, yet her leadership has passed no meaningful Legislation. All they do is Investigate, as it turns out, crimes that they instigated & committed. The Mueller No Collusion decision wasn’t even discussed-and she was a disaster at W.H.
