
11-30 Great reviews on the USMCA - sooo much better than NAFTA!
To the Great people of Alaska. You have been hit hard by a “big one.” Please follow the directions of the highly trained professionals who are there to help you. Your Federal Government will spare no expense. God Bless you ALL!
Just signed one of the most important, and largest, Trade Deals in U.S. and World History. The United States, Mexico and Canada worked so well together in crafting this great document. The terrible NAFTA will soon be gone. The USMCA will be fantastic for all!
Oh, I get it! I am a very good developer, happily living my life, when I see our Country going in the wrong direction (to put it mildly). Against all odds, I decide to run for President & continue to run my business-very legal & very cool, talked about it on the campaign trail. Lightly looked at doing a building somewhere in Russia. Put up zero money, zero guarantees and didn’t do the project. Witch Hunt!
Arrived in Argentina with a very busy two days planned. Important meetings scheduled throughout. Our great Country is extremely well represented. Will be very productive!
Alan Dershowitz: “These are not crimes. He (Mueller) has no authority to be a roving Commissioner. I don’t see any evidence of crimes.” This is an illegal Hoax that should be ended immediately. Mueller refuses to look at the real crimes on the other side. Where is the IG REPORT?
以下はハーバード大学で教鞭をとり、CNNとFOXニュースの外部の寄稿家のAlan Dershowitzの言:『事件は犯罪ではない。Mueller特別検察官は裁定者の権能を有していない。私は犯罪性を認めていない』 本件は直ちに収束すべき法的でっち上げである。Muellr特別検察官は反対陣営の現実に行われた犯罪の査問を拒絶している。総括検察官の報告はどこに行ったのか?
“This demonstrates the Robert Mueller and his partisans have no evidence, not a whiff of collusion, between Trump and the Russians. Russian project legal. Trump Tower meeting (son Don), perfectly legal. He wasn’t involved with hacking.” Gregg Jarrett. A total Witch Hunt!
以下はFOXニュースのGregg Jarretキャスターの言:『このことによって明らかになったのは、Meller特別検察官とその取り巻きがトランプ大統領とロシアの間に疑惑がないこと、その片鱗さえ掴んでいないことである。ロシアは合法としている。トランプタワーでの息子の面談も完全に適法である。息子のDonはハッキングに関わってはいない』 完全な魔女狩りの証拠だ!
Just landed in Argentina with @FLOTUS Melania! #G20Summit
11-30 As RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel oversaw history defying gains in the Senate and unprecedented fundraising strength. I have asked her to serve another term for my 2020 re-elect, because there is no one better for the job!
共和党全国委員会Ronna McDaniel議長は上院選挙の見事な勝利想定を超える選挙資金獲得に貢献した。私は、女史に2020年の大統領選挙までもう1期任期を勤めてくれるように要請した。
11-29 We have been working hard on this - and it’s only going to get better!
With all of the new books coming out you can't forget two of the great originals written by @GreggJarrett and @JudgeJeanine Pirro. Their books both went to #1. Go get them now, the phony Witch Hunt is well explained!
魔女狩りについて書かれたが次々に出版されているが、Gregg JarretJeanine Pirro判事による新著はいずれも未知の事実を掘り起こしており、記憶に残るもので、ベストセラーを競っている。すぐに買い求め、馬鹿げた魔女狩りがよく説明されている!
.@DBongino’s new book, "Spygate: The Attempted Sabotage of Donald J. Trump," is terrific. He's tough, he's smart, and he really gets it. His book is on sale now, I highly recommend!
.@StephenMoore and Arthur Laffer, two very talented men, have just completed an incredible book on my Economic Policies or, as they call it, #TRUMPONOMICS. They have really done a great job in capturing my long-held views and ideas. This book is on sale now - a terrific read of a really interesting subject!
『トランポノミクス』という本が出版された。Stephen MooreArther Lafferの共著である。私が永年に亘って培ってきた見解と着想を実にうまく捉えている。発売されたばかりであるが、素晴らしい読みもので、じつに興味深いテーマが取り上げられている。
.@SteveScalise has written an absolutely fascinating book (BACK IN THE GAME) on the world of D.C. politics, and more. He has experienced so much, in a short period of time. Few people have had his bravery or courage, and he has come all the way back. A big power and great person!
『ゲーム再来の時代』というわくわくする新著をSteve Scaliseが出版した。ワシントンの政界ほかいろいろのことが取り上げられている。短期間のうちによく調べて書かれている。稀に見る胆力と勇気の所産である。著者はかつての立場を回復した。力強い立派な人物である!
Based on the fact that the ships and sailors have not been returned to Ukraine from Russia, I have decided it would be best for all parties concerned to cancel my previously scheduled meeting in Argentina with President Vladimir Putin. I look forward to a meaningful Summit again as soon as this situation is resolved!
Billions of Dollars are pouring into the coffers of the U.S.A. because of the Tariffs being charged to China, and there is a long way to go. If companies don’t want to pay Tariffs, build in the U.S.A. Otherwise, lets just make our Country richer than ever before!
When will this illegal Joseph McCarthy style Witch Hunt, one that has shattered so many innocent lives, ever end-or will it just go on forever? After wasting more than $40,000,000 (is that possible?), it has proven only one thing-there was NO Collusion with Russia. So Ridiculous!
Did you ever see an investigation more in search of a crime? At the same time Mueller and the Angry Democrats aren’t even looking at the atrocious, and perhaps subversive, crimes that were committed by Crooked Hillary Clinton and the Democrats. A total disgrace!
General Motors is very counter to what other auto, and other, companies are doing. Big Steel is opening and renovating plants all over the country. Auto companies are pouring into the U.S., including BMW, which just announced a major new plant. The U.S.A. is booming!


So much happening with the now discredited Witch Hunt. This total Hoax will be studied for years!


11-29 Sebastian Gorka, a very talented man who I got to know well while he was working at the White House, has just written an excellent book, “Why We Fight.” Much will be learned from this very good read!

(ハンガリー国籍の両親を持つロンドン生まれの軍事情報アナリスト。大統領就任時から半年間ホワイトハウスで大統領補佐官代理を務めた)大変有能で、ホワイトハウスに勤務した時に人柄をよく知るに至ったSebastian Gorka氏が『何ゆえに戦うのか』と題する優れた本を出版した。多くのことを学べる好著である!

11-28 On behalf of @FLOTUS Melania and the entire Trump family, I want to wish you all a very MERRY CHRISTMAS! May this Christmas Season bring peace to your hearts, warmth to your homes, cheer to your spirits and JOY TO THE WORLD! #NCTL2018 

ファーストレディーメラニアとトランプ一家にクリスマスおめでとうのメッセージを送る。今年のクリスマスのシーズンにみなさん方の心に平和が、みなさん方の家庭に暖かさが、みなさん方の心意気に喜びが、そして世界に歓喜がありますように! ホワイトハウスの壮大なクリスマスツリーの映像に添えたメッセージ。

Steel Dynamics announced that it will build a brand new 3 million ton steel mill in the Southwest that will create 600 good-paying U.S. JOBS. Steel JOBS are coming back to America, just like I predicted. Congratulations to Steel Dynamics!

Steel Dynamics社はアメリカ南西部に300万トンの製鉄工場を新設し、600人の正規雇用を創出すると発表した。鉄鋼産業の雇用がアメリカで蘇る。私が言ったとおりだ。Steel Dynamicsに快哉のエールを送る!

WOW - if a conservative said this they would be boycotted and not allowed back in the public arena — Hillary said “all black people look the same” - incredibly racist thing to say Hillary!

10月30日のCharlie Kirkをリツイート:何たることか。保守派の政治家が同じことを言ったらボイコットされ、公衆の場に出られなくなるだろう。ヒラリーは『黒人はみんな同じに見える』と公言した。ヒラリーによる信じ難い差別発言である!

脚注〕先のDan Bonginoが掲出した生の映像から発言の部分だけを凝縮の上、司会者とのやり取りを活字で表示。容易には聞き取れないジョークを誰もがわかるように編集した映像。

What the hell is this?

Dan Bonginoをリツイート:以下の発言は何たることか?

10月30日のMatt Batzelを引用:Wow. Hillary tries to crack joke after Moderator confuses Eric Holder and Cory Booker: “I know they all look alike” #maga:オバマ政権下初の黒人のEric Holder司法長官とニュージャージー州初の黒人のCory Booker上院議員について司会者の問いにヒラリークリントンは『みんな同じに見える』と冗談を言った。

The reason that the small truck business in the U.S. is such a go to favorite is that, for many years, Tariffs of 25% have been put on small trucks coming into our country. It is called the “chicken tax.” If we did that with cars coming in, many more cars would be built here and G.M. would not be closing their plants in Ohio, Michigan & Maryland. Get smart Congress. Also, the countries that send us cars have taken advantage of the U.S. for decades. The President has great power on this issue - Because of the G.M. event, it is being studied now!


Will CNN ever ask Border Patrol agents how they felt having large rocks chucked at them by criminal illegals?

Trump Trainをリツイート:CNNは国境警備隊員が不法移民の犯罪に曝されている実情を聞いたことがあるのか?

Illegals can get up to $3,874 a month under Federal Assistance program. Our social security checks are on average $1200 a month. RT if you agree: If you weren't born in the United States, you should receive $0 assistance.

Trump Trainをリツイート:不法移民はアメリカの制度の下で毎月3,874ドルが得ることができる。アメリカ人の受け取る社会保障給付は平均1,200ドルである。アメリカで生まれていないものは給付はゼロでなければならないのだ。

If GM doesn't want to keep their jobs in the United States, they should pay back the $11.2 billion bailout that was funded by the American taxpayer.

Trump Trainをリツイート:GMがアメリカ人の雇用を守らないなら税金によって与えられた112億ドルの緊急支援を国庫に返納すべきである。


Trump Trainをリツイート:ロシア疑惑であったことが白日の下に曝された今となって、疑惑を煽り立てた連中の裁判は何時はじまるのか?

While the disgusting Fake News is doing everything within their power not to report it that way, at least 3 major players are intimating that the Angry Mueller Gang of Dems is viciously telling witnesses to lie about facts & they will get relief. This is our Joseph McCarthy Era!



Congratulations to Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith on your big WIN in the Great State of Mississippi. We are all very proud of you!

ミシシッピ州上院議員選挙の決選投票に勝利したCindy Hyde-Smith議員に祝意を送る。立派だ!

Brenda Snipes, in charge of voting in Broward County, Florida, was just spotted wearing a beautiful dress with 300 I VOTED signs on it. Just kidding, she is a fine, very honorable and highly respected voting tactician!

フロリダ州Browardカウンティーの選挙を所轄しているBrenda Snipes女史は適任である。

11-28 The Mueller Witch Hunt is a total disgrace. They are looking at supposedly stolen Crooked Hillary Clinton Emails (even though they don’t want to look at the DNC Server), but have no interest in the Emails that Hillary DELETED & acid washed AFTER getting a Congressional Subpoena!


11-27 Very disappointed with General Motors and their CEO, Mary Barra, for closing plants in Ohio, Michigan and Maryland. Nothing being closed in Mexico & China. The U.S. saved General Motors, and this is the THANKS we get! We are now looking at cutting all @GM subsidies, including for electric cars. General Motors made a big China bet years ago when they built plants there (and in Mexico) - don’t think that bet is going to pay off. I am here to protect America’s Workers!

GMとそのMary Barra CEOに失望している。メキシコと中国の工場は閉鎖せず、オハイオ州、ミシガン州、メリーランド州で工場を閉鎖するという。アメリカ合衆国はGMを救済してきた。そのお返しが工場閉鎖なのか!電気自動車に対する補助を含め全補助の打ち切りを検討する。数年前にGM中国(とメキシコ)に大工場を建設するという賭けに出た。この賭けが成功すると考えるのは誤算である。私の役割アメリカの労働者を守ることだ!

Polls are open in Mississippi. We need Cindy Hyde-Smith in Washington. GO OUT AND VOTE. Thanks!

 ミシシッピ州で投票所が開いた。ワシントンで共和党上院議員にCindy Hyde-Smith候補を必要としている。候補に投票を!

The Phony Witch Hunt continues, but Mueller and his gang of Angry Dems are only looking at one side, not the other. Wait until it comes out how horribly & viciously they are treating people, ruining lives for them refusing to lie. Mueller is a conflicted prosecutor gone rogue. 


The Fake News Media builds Bob Mueller up as a Saint, when in actuality he is the exact opposite. He is doing TREMENDOUS damage to our Criminal Justice System, where he is only looking at one side and not the other. Heroes will come of this, and it won’t be Mueller and his terrible Gang of Angry Democrats. 

偽ニュースメディアはBob Muellerを聖人にしている。全く逆なのに! Muellerはこの国の犯罪の裁判制度の大打撃を与えている。当事者の一方だけを取調べ、もう一方を取調べていない。この事件の中から英雄が生まれ出る。それはMullerと狂えるギャングもどきの民主党議員ではない。

Look at their past, and look where they come from. The now $30,000,000 Witch Hunt continues and they’ve got nothing but ruined lives. Where is the Server? Let these terrible people go back to the Clinton Foundation and “Justice” Department!



“Tomorrow, the voters of this state will cast their ballots in one of the most important Senate elections of your lives—of all of our lives”—@realDonaldTrump in Tupelo, MS.


“Only with a strong Senate GOP majority can we defend your tax cuts, defend your Second Amendment, protect your Medicare and Social Security, and confirm judges who will interpret the Constitution exactly as written.” -@realDonaldTrump


11-27 “I need the great people of Mississippi to send a message to… the radical Democrats by electing @cindyhydesmith.” -@realDonaldTrump

共和党をリツイート:ミズーリ州Tupeloにおけるトランプ大統領の演説:『火曜日のミシシッピ州上院議員選挙の決選投票で州の皆さんが共和党Cyndy Hydesmith候補に投票し、民主党の急進左派に対して明確な意志を表明してくれることを私は必要としている!』

11-26 Brad Raffensperger will be a fantastic Secretary of State for Georgia - will work closely with @BrianKempGA. It is really important that you get out and vote for Brad - early voting starts today, election is on December 4th. @VoteBradRaff is tough on Crime and Borders, Loves our Military and Vets. He will be great for jobs!

共和党のジョージア州のBrad Raffensperger候補はBrian Kemp知事を支える有能な州務長官になる。投票は12月4日(火)だが、今日から期日前投票がはじまる。候補に投票を!

While CNN doesn’t do great in the United States based on ratings, outside of the U.S. they have very little competition. Throughout the world, CNN has a powerful voice portraying the United States in an unfair and false way. Something has to be done, including the possibility of the United States starting our own Worldwide Network to show the World the way we really are, GREAT!


On the ten-year anniversary of the Mumbai terror attack, the U.S. stands with the people of India in their quest for justice. The attack killed 166 innocents, including six Americans. We will never let terrorists win, or even come close to winning!



When Mueller does his final report, will he be covering all of his conflicts of interest in a preamble, will he be recommending action on all of the crimes of many kinds from those “on the other side”(whatever happened to Podesta?), and will he be putting in statements from hundreds of people closely involved with my campaign who never met, saw or spoke to a Russian during this period? So many campaign workers, people inside from the beginning, ask me why they have not been called (they want to be). There was NO Collusion & Mueller knows it!



Mexico should move the flag waving Migrants, many of whom are stone cold criminals, back to their countries. Do it by plane, do it by bus, do it anyway you want, but they are NOT coming into the U.S.A. We will close the Border permanently if need be. Congress, fund the WALL!



11-26 .@60Minutes did a phony story about child separation when they know we had the exact same policy as the Obama Administration. In fact a picture of children in jails was used by other Fake Media to show how bad (cruel) we are, but it was in 2014 during O years. Obama separated children from parents, as did Bush etc., because that is the policy and law. I tried to keep them together but the problem is, when you do that, vast numbers of additional people storm the Border. So with Obama seperation is fine, but with Trump it’s not. Fake 60 Minutes!

11-25 Clinton Foundation donations drop 42% - which shows that they illegally played the power game. They monetized their political influence through the Foundation. “During her tenure the State Department was put in the service of the Clinton Foundation.” Andrew McCarthy

クリントン財団寄付金が42%減少している。このことは財団が法に違反して政治活動を行なっていた証左である。クリントン財団は財団を通して金銭によって政治的影響力を行使していたのだ。以下は(日本では知名度の低いが高名なTV映画、TVドラマの映画監督の)Andrew McCarthyの言:『ヒラリークリントンの国務長官在任中の国務省はクリントン財団の活動に利用されていたということだ』

Europe has to pay their fair share for Military Protection. The European Union, for many years, has taken advantage of us on Trade, and then they don’t live up to their Military commitment through NATO. Things must change fast!


General Anthony Tata: “President Trump is a man of his word & he said he was going to be tough on the Border, and he is tough on the Border. He has rightfully strengthened the Border in the face of an unprecedented threat. It’s the right move by President Trump.” Thanks General!

以下は(28年間軍務に就き、2009年からノースカロライナ州運輸長官を務めた)Anthony Tata将軍の言。将軍に感謝:『トランプ大統領有言実行の人である。国境問題について厳格に対応すると言い続けてきたし、実際に厳格に対応している。キャラバンという不測の脅威に対して国境を正当防衛している。トランプ大統領の対応は正しい

Mississippi, Vote for @cindyhydesmith on Tuesday. Respected by all. We need her in Washington!. Thanks!

火曜日のミシシッピ州上院議員選挙の決選投票で共和党のCyndy Hydesmith候補に投票しよう。われわれはワシントンで女史を必要としている!ありがとう!

So great that oil prices are falling (thank you President T). Add that, which is like a big Tax Cut, to our other good Economic news. Inflation down (are you listening Fed)!

原油価格が下落している。素晴らしいことである(T 大統領に感謝)。原油価格の下落はさらなる大減税のようなもので、経済にとってビッグニュースである。インフレが抑えられる(聞いていますか?連邦準備制度のみなさん)! 

So great that oil prices are falling (thank you President T). Add that, which is like a big Tax Cut, to our other good Economic news. Inflation down (are you listening Fed)!

原油価格が(50ドルまで)下落している。素晴らしいことである(T 大統領に感謝)。原油価格の下落はさらなる大減税のようなもので、経済にとってビッグニュースである。インフレが抑えられる(聞いていますか?連邦準備制度のみなさん)!

Would be very SMART if Mexico would stop the Caravans long before they get to our Southern Border, or if originating countries would not let them form (it is a way they get certain people out of their country and dump in U.S. No longer). Dems created this problem. No crossings!


The large and violent French protests don’t take into account how badly the United States has been treated on Trade by the European Union or on fair and reasonable payments for our GREAT military protection. Both of these topics must be remedied soon.


I will be in Gulfport and Tupelo, Mississippi, on Monday night doing two Rallies for Senator Hyde-Smith, who has a very important Election on Tuesday. She is an outstanding person who is strong on the Border, Crime, Military, our great Vets, Healthcare & the 2nd A. Needed in D.C.

26日(月)夜にミシシッピ州Gulfport とTupeloを訪問する。Hyde-Smith上院議員の選挙応援のためである。女史は傑出した人物で、国境問題、犯罪問題に厳格に対応し、軍と退役軍人の処遇、健康保険問題、銃規制問題にも積極的である。ワシントンは女史を必要としている。

11-25 Victor Davis Hanson was a very good and interesting guest of Mark Levin on @FoxNews. He wrote a highly touted book called “The Second World Wars” and a new book will soon be coming out called “The Case For Trump.” Recommend both. @marklevinshow

 FOXニュースのMark Levinの番組に出演したVictor Davis Hansonは人を引きつけるすばらしいゲストだった。その著『第2次世界大戦』は定評があり、今回『トランプの登場』と題する新著が出版される。双方とも推挙する。

11-24 Migrants at the Southern Border will not be allowed into the United States until their claims are individually approved in court. We only will allow those who come into our Country legally. Other than that our very strong policy is Catch and Detain. No “Releasing” into the U.S. All will stay in Mexico. If for any reason it becomes necessary, we will CLOSE our Southern Border. There is no way that the United States will, after decades of abuse, put up with this costly and dangerous situation anymore!


11-24 Small Business Saturday has become a staple of the post-Thanksgiving shopping weekend. "This year, Small Business Saturday has the potential to be even greater," @SBALinda writes. "The reason? A strong economy and record level consumer optimism."


This year, Small Business Saturday has the potential to be even greater. The National Retail Federation forecasts holiday retail sales will increase between 4.3 and 4.8 percent over last year. Nationwide, shoppers are expected to spend as much as $720 billion.(全米小売業協会の予測によると小売業の売上げは前年比4.3~4.8%増の7,200億ドルと予想される。)


11-23 The reason? A strong economy and record level consumer optimism. The unemployment rate is at its lowest level in almost 50 years and consumer confidence is at its highest level in 18 years.(失業率は50年間の最低、コンシューマーコンフィデンス(購買意欲)指数は18年間の最高を記録している。)

The Fake News is showing old footage of people climbing over our Ocean Area Fence. This is what it really looks like - no climbers anymore under our Administration!


I am extremely happy and proud of the job being done by @USTreasury Secretary @StevenMnuchin1. The FAKE NEWS likes to write stories to the contrary, quoting phony sources or jealous people, but they aren’t true. They never like to ask me for a quote b/c it would kill their story.


私はSteven Mnuchin財務長官の政策に大いに満足し、誇りに思っている。偽ニュースは馬鹿げた情報源あるいは快く思っていない人たちに取材し、逆の報道をしているが、間違っている。偽ニュースは決して私を取材しない。私に取材に来れば偽ニュースの報道を否定されるからである。

Really good Criminal Justice Reform has a true shot at major bipartisan support. @senatemajldr Mitch McConnell and @senchuckschumer have a real chance to do something so badly needed in our country. Already past, with big vote, in House. Would be a major victory for ALL!

共和党と民主党双方の協力で犯罪事犯に関する裁判改革に焦点を当てる絶好のチャンスである。共和党のMitch McConnell上院院内総務と民主党のChuck Schumer上院議員はこの国がなんとしても必要としている改革を実現するチャンスを手にしている。実現すれば全員の大勝利になる。

11-23 Republicans and Democrats MUST come together, finally, with a major Border Security package, which will include funding for the Wall. After 40 years of talk, it is finally time for action. Fix the Border, for once and for all, NOW!


11-22 Our highly trained security professionals are not allowed to do their job on the Border because of the Judicial Activism and Interference by the 9th Circuit. Nevertheless, they are working hard to make America a safer place, though hard to do when anybody filing a lawsuit wins!


This is the coldest weather in the history of the Thanksgiving Day Parade in NYC, and one of the coldest Thanksgivings on record!


Will be speaking with our great military in different parts of the world, through teleconference, at 9:00 A.M. Eastern. Then it will be off to see our Coast Guard patriots & to thank them for the great job they have been doing, especially with the hurricanes. Happy Thanksgiving!


Justice Roberts can say what he wants, but the 9th Circuit is a complete & total disaster. It is out of control, has a horrible reputation, is overturned more than any Circuit in the Country, 79%, & is used to get an almost guaranteed result. Judges must not Legislate Security and Safety at the Border, or anywhere else. They know nothing about it and are making our Country unsafe. Our great Law Enforcement professionals MUST BE ALLOWED TO DO THEIR JOB! If not there will be only bedlam, chaos, injury and death. We want the Constitution as written!...

最高裁判所のJustice Roberts首席判事は願望を語ることは出来るが、9裁判管轄区は完璧かつ全面的に崩壊状況にある。組織の体をなしておらず、評判は最悪で、第1審の判決の破棄率は79%で、上訴すれば何でも思い通りの判決が得られる。判事は国境その他における安全と安心を脅かしてはならない。第9裁判管轄区の判事は国境問題を理解せず、この国の安全を損なっている。わが国の法の番人は本来の職責の遂行を認められるべきである!さもなければ大混乱と無秩序と傷害沙汰と殺人が起こる。われわれは憲法の条文通りの司法の実現を望んでいる!



“It’s a mean & nasty world out there, the Middle East in particular. This is a long and historic commitment, & one that is absolutely vital to America’s national security.” @SecPompeo I agree 100%. In addition, many Billions of Dollars of purchases made in U.S., big Jobs & Oil!

  以下はポンペオ国務長官の発言:『世界各地、特に中東諸国は貧しく、不快な状態にある。サウジに対するアメリカの立場は長期的、歴史的なもので、アメリカの国防にとってかっていてきである』 私は長官に100%同意する。兵器その他アメリカ製品の調達と雇用機会と石油の確保も重要である。

You just can’t win with the Fake News Media. A big story today is that because I have pushed so hard and gotten Gasoline Prices so low, more people are driving and I have caused traffic jams throughout our Great Nation. Sorry everyone!


11-22 Brutal and Extended Cold Blast could shatter ALL RECORDS - Whatever happened to Global Warming?







“79% of these decisions have been overturned in the 9th Circuit.” @FoxNews A terrible, costly and dangerous disgrace. It has become a dumping ground for certain lawyers looking for easy wins and delays. Much talk over dividing up the 9th Circuit into 2 or 3 Circuits. Too big!

FOXニュースによると第9裁判管轄区で下級審の判決の79%が破棄されている。費用と時間の恐るべき浪費であり、危険な事態である。手っ取り早い勝訴あるいは裁判の引き伸ばしを図る弁護士が暗躍する素地となっている。9th Circuitの分割を真剣に考慮するときだ。範囲が広すぎる!

脚注〕9th Circuit:アラスカ・アリゾナ・カリフォルニア中東北南・グアム・ハワイ・アイダホ・モンタナ・ネヴァダ・北マリアナ諸島・オレゴン・ワシントン東西の15地区の裁判管轄区域。

There are a lot of CRIMINALS in the Caravan. We will stop them. Catch and Detain! Judicial Activism, by people who know nothing about security and the safety of our citizens, is putting our country in great danger. Not good!


“Thank you to President Trump on the Border. No American President has ever done this before.” Hector Garza, National Border Patrol Council

Hector Garaza国境警備本部より:『大統領に感謝。このような対応をとった大統領はこれまでに皆無である』

Sorry Chief Justice John Roberts, but you do indeed have “Obama judges,” and they have a much different point of view than the people who are charged with the safety of our country. It would be great if the 9th Circuit was indeed an “independent judiciary,” but if it is why are so many opposing view (on Border and Safety) cases filed there, and why are a vast number of those cases overturned. Please study the numbers, they are shocking. We need protection and security - these rulings are making our country unsafe! Very dangerous and unwise!

最高裁判所John Roberts首席判事に申し訳ないことだが、『オバマ思考の判事』が沢山いて、アメリカの国としての安全についての一般大衆とは違う考え方をしているのだ。『9th Circuitが独立国の裁判管轄区ならそれでもよかろうが、アメリカの統治機構の一部なのであるから国境の安全についての訴訟が提起され、上訴されるのだ。どうかその件数を調べてもらいたい。驚くべき数字が出てくる。アメリカは防御と安全を必要としている。裁判の現状はこの国の安全を害している。きわめて危険であり、賢明ではない!

Great new book out, “Mad Politics: Keeping Your Sanity in a World Gone Crazy” by @RealDrGina Loudon. Go out and get your copy today — a great read!


“‘Trump Imitation Syndrome’ is afflicting the president’s liberal enemies” Thank you @MGoodwin_NYPost!

ニューヨークポスト紙のM. Goodwinに感謝:『トランプを真似る流行が反対勢力のリベラルに広がっている』

Oil prices getting lower. Great! Like a big Tax Cut for America and the World. Enjoy! $54, was just $82. Thank you to Saudi Arabia, but let’s go lower!


11-21 So-called comedian Michelle Wolf bombed so badly last year at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner that this year, for the first time in decades, they will have an author instead of a comedian. Good first step in comeback of a dying evening and tradition! Maybe I will go?

コメディアンといわれているMichelle Wolfが、昨年、ホワイトハウス恒例の記者夕食会をぶち壊してしまったのだが、今年は、ここ10年ではじめて主催者がコメディアンに代えて本か何かの著者をゲストに迎えるようだ。意味を失った夕食会と伝統を再生させる一歩としてよいことだ!昨年は欠席したが、今年はどうしようか?

11-20 President @realDonaldTrump, joined by @FLOTUS, has officially pardoned this year's National Thanksgiving Turkey, Peas—and his alternate, Carrots!


11-20 I hope the discovery and eventual recovery of the Argentine submarine San Juan brings needed closure to the wonderful families of those brave missing sailors. I look forward to hearing more from my friend President @MauricioMacri in Argentina later this month.

行方不明になっていたアルゼンチン海軍の潜水艦San Juan号の発見と引揚によって行方不明になっていた勇敢な乗員の遺族に決着の時が与えられることを期待する。今月末にアルゼンチンを訪問する機会に友人であるMauricio Marci大統領からもっと話が聞けると期待している。

11-19 The @WhiteHouse is getting ready for the Christmas season! Thank you to the Smith Family & the National Christmas Tree Association for providing this year's tree. And to our @NatlParkService for their hard work in trimming the tree for the Blue Room.


President Trump and the First Lady Participate in the White House Christmas Tree Delivery


The Fake News is showing old footage of people climbing over our Ocean Area Fence. This is what it really looks like - no climbers anymore under our Administration!


Of course we should have captured Osama Bin Laden long before we did. I pointed him out in my book just BEFORE the attack on the World Trade Center. President Clinton famously missed his shot. We paid Pakistan Billions of Dollars & they never told us he was living there. Fools! We no longer pay Pakistan the $Billions because they would take our money and do nothing for us, Bin Laden being a prime example, Afghanistan being another. They were just one of many countries that take from the United States without giving anything in return. That’s ENDING!

アメリカがアルカイダのOsama Bin Ladenをもっと早い時期に拘束すべきであった。私はワールドトレードセンター襲撃の前に出版した本の中で、この人物を名指ししていた。クリントン大統領は何ら手を打たなかった。アメリカはパキスタンに多額の援助を与えていたが、パキスタン政府はこの男がパキスタンに潜伏しているとの情報を提供したことはなかった。馬鹿げている!アメリカは多額の援助を停止する。何の見返りも得られないからである。Bin Ladenがその好例である。アフガニスタンも同様で、アメリカから援助を得ながら何の見返りもない国の1つである。見返りのない援助は打ち切る!

“Boom: Record high business optimism, need for employees at 45-year high”


11-19 .@cindyhydesmith loves Mississippi and our Great U.S.A.

 (ミシシッピ州上院議員で今回の)中間選挙で勝利したCydy Hyde-Smith共和党上院議員はミシシッピ州とわが偉大なるアメリカ合衆国を愛している。

From day one Rick Scott never wavered. He was a great Governor and will be even a greater Senator in representing the People of Florida. Congratulations to Rick on having waged such a courageous and successful campaign!

フロリダ州知事から転じ、今回当選したRick Scott上院議員は初日から不動の姿勢をしめした。立派に知事を務めた議員はフロリダの民意に応えるそれ以上に立派な上院議員となるであろう。かくも勇敢に難しい選挙を制したことに祝意を表する!

Catch and Release is an obsolete term. It is now Catch and Detain. Illegal Immigrants trying to come into the U.S.A., often proudly flying the flag of their nation as they ask for U.S. Asylum, will be detained or turned away. Dems must approve Border Security & Wall NOW!


11-18 I will be interviewed by Chris Wallace on @FoxNews at 2:00 P.M. and 7:00 P.M. Enjoy!

FOXニュースのChris Wallaceのインタビューを受ける。放送時間は午後2時と午後7時である。お楽しみに!

The Mayor of Tijuana, Mexico, just stated that “the City is ill-prepared to handle this many migrants, the backlog could last 6 months.” Likewise, the U.S. is ill-prepared for this invasion, and will not stand for it. They are causing crime and big problems in Mexico. Go home!


So funny to see little Adam Schitt (D-CA) talking about the fact that Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker was not approved by the Senate, but not mentioning the fact that Bob Mueller (who is highly conflicted) was not approved by the Senate!

カリフォルニア州選出Adam Schitt民主党下院議員は、Matt Whitaker司法長官代理が上院の承認を受けていないといっているが、(大混乱をもたらしている)Bob Mueller特別検察官が上院の承認を受けていないことには言及していない!

Chris Wallace during his interview at the White House with President Trump. Check your local listings to watch this Sunday #FNS #FoxNews #WhiteHouse

FOXニュースサンデーをリツイート:ホワイトハウスで行われたFOXニュースのChris Wallaceのインタビュー。最寄のローカルテレビネットワークで見て貰いたい。

11-18 Incredible to be with our GREAT HEROES today in California. We will always be with you!


11-17 President @realDonaldTrump is traveling to California to meet with those impacted by the devastating wildfires. Learn how the Trump Administration is supporting the State of California during this emergency: http://45.wh.gov/f4NnPD 


Heading to California with @GOPLeader Kevin McCarthy, @RepLaMalfa, and @KenCalvert. Look forward to being with our brave Firefighters, First Responders and @FEMA, along with the many brave People of California. We are with you all the way – God Bless you all!

Kevin McCarthy共和党下院院内総務、La Malta下院議員、Ken Calvertとともにカリフォルニアに向かっている。火災に対応している関係機関の勇敢な職員と州の人々に会って激励する。われわれはいつも諸君と共にいる。神の加護を祈る!

The New York Times did a phony story, as usual, about my relationship with @VP Mike Pence. They made up sources and refused to ask me, the only one that would know, for a quote. I can’t imagine any President having a better or closer relationship with their Vice President then the two of us. Just more FAKE NEWS, the Enemy of the People!


Congratulations to Andrew Gillum on having run a really tough and competitive race for Governor of the Great State of Florida. He will be a strong Democrat warrior long into the future - a force to reckon with!


フロリダ州の知事選挙で善戦した民主党Andrew Gillum候補を祝す。候補は将来にわたって共和党の好敵手となるであろう。

I can get Nancy Pelosi as many votes as she wants in order for her to be Speaker of the House. She deserves this victory, she has earned it - but there are those in her party who are trying to take it away. She will win! @TomReedCongress

以下はニューヨーク州選出共和党Tom Reed下院議員の発言:私は民主党Nancy Pelosi下院議員が下院議長に選ばれる上で必要な票を確保できる。Pelosi議員は議長選挙に勝利する十分な要件を備えている。Pelosi議員は議長選挙に勝利したも同然である。民主党には議長選出を阻もうとする議員がいるが勝利するであろう!

Thank you @JerryBrownGov. Look forward to joining you and @GavinNewsom tomorrow in California. We are with you!


カリフォルニア州Jerry Brown知事に感謝。明日、知事と来年1月に知事に就任するGavin Newsom副知事を訪問するのを楽しみにしている。われわれはカリフォルニアと共にある。以下にJerry Brown知事を引用:Tomorrow @GavinNewsom and I will join @POTUS during his visit to the state. Now is a time to pull together for the people of California.(明日Newsom副知事と共に大統領のカリフォルニア州視察に同行する。カリフォルニアの人々のために連邦政府と州政府が手を結ぶ時である。)

Isn’t it ironic that large Caravans of people are marching to our border wanting U.S.A. asylum because they are fearful of being in their country - yet they are proudly waving their country’s flag. Can this be possible? Yes, because it is all a BIG CON, and the American taxpayer is paying for it!

実に奇妙なことだ。自国に恐れを抱いて国を離れ、アメリカの収容施設に入ろうとしてアメリカ国境に向かって行進している長蛇の行列が自国の国旗を誇らしげに掲げている。こんなことあり得るのか?あり得るのだ。全員がBIG CON(小説上の人物:確信犯?)で、アメリカの納税者の世話になろうというのだ!

Congratulations to Brian Kemp on becoming the new Governor of Georgia. Stacey Abrams fought brilliantly and hard - she will have a terrific political future! Brian was unrelenting and will become a great Governor for the truly Wonderful People of Georgia!

ジョージア州知事選挙でBrian Kemp共和党候補の勝利を祝す。Stacey Abrams候補は実によく戦った。政治家としての前途はきっとすばらしいものだろう。Kemp新知事は徹底的に戦った。ジョージアの心底すばらしい人たちのための立派な知事になるであろう!

11-17 Congratulations to Ron DeSantis on becoming the new Governor of Florida. Against all odds, he fought & fought & fought, the result being a historic victory. He never gave up and never will. He will be a great Governor!

フロリダ州のRon DeSantis新知事を祝す。あらゆる逆境にめげることなく戦い抜き、歴史的勝利を勝ち取った。知事は決して諦めなかったし、これからも諦めることはないであろう。すばらしい知事になる!



People are not being told that the Republican Party is on track to pick up two seats in the U.S. Senate, and epic victory: 53 to 47. The Fake News Media only wants to speak of the House, where the Midterm results were better than other sitting Presidents.


11-16 Today in the East Room of the @WhiteHouse, it was my true privilege to award seven extraordinary Americans with the Presidential Medal of Freedom...


11-15 It is our sacred duty to support America’s Service Members every single day they wear the uniform – and every day after when they return home as Veterans. Together we will HONOR those who defend us, we will CHERISH those who protect us, and we will celebrate the amazing heroes...


Last year, I signed the landmark VA Accountability Act to ensure those who mistreat our Veterans can be held fully accountable. Since my inauguration, we have removed more than 3,600 government employees who were not giving our Vets the care they deserve....


It was my great honor to host a @WhiteHouse Conference on Supporting Veterans & Military Families... To everyone here today who has served our Country in uniform, & to every Veteran & Military family across our land, I want to express the eternal gratitude of our entire Nation!



.@FLOTUS Melania and I were honored to visit with our GREAT U.S. MARINES at the Marine Barracks here in Washington, D.C. We love you @USMC @MBWDC! https://www.facebook.com/136011809837973/posts/1755728277866310/ …


ファーストレディーと私は首都ワシントンDCの海兵隊基地を訪問する栄誉に浴した。ウイー ラブ ユー!

The only “Collusion” is that of the Democrats with Russia and many others. Why didn’t the FBI take the Server from the DNC? They still don’t have it. Check out how biased Facebook, Google and Twitter are in favor of the Democrats. That’s the real Collusion!

癒着があるのは民主党とロシアその他である。なぜFBIは民主党全国委員会のコンピュータサーバーを押収しないのか?FBIは未だ押収していない。Facebook、 Google、Twitterが如何に民主党に有利な方向に偏向していたかを検証すべきである。これこそ真の癒着である!

Universities will someday study what highly conflicted (and NOT Senate approved) Bob Mueller and his gang of Democrat thugs have done to destroy people. Why is he protecting Crooked Hillary, Comey, McCabe, Lisa Page & her lover, Peter S, and all of his friends on the other side?

大学はいつの日にかMueller特別検察官と周辺のギャングもどきの民主党の取り巻きが人々を破滅させたかを解明するであろう。Muller特別検察官は何故にHillary、Comey、 McCabe、Lisa Pageとその愛人、Peter Sその他検察官の友人を庇うのか?

The inner workings of the Mueller investigation are a total mess. They have found no collusion and have gone absolutely nuts. They are screaming and shouting at people, horribly threatening them to come up with the answers they want. They are a disgrace to our Nation and don’t care how many lives the ruin. These are Angry People, including the highly conflicted Bob Mueller, who worked for Obama for 8 years. They won’t even look at all of the bad acts and crimes on the other side. A TOTAL WITCH HUNT LIKE NO OTHER IN AMERICAN HISTORY!


11-15 The White House is running very smoothly and the results for our Nation are obviously very good. We are the envy of the world. But anytime I even think about making changes, the FAKE NEWS MEDIA goes crazy, always seeking to make us look as bad as possible! Very dishonest!